Forms during arrival Application Application ( both sides), behavioral contract and letter- please review with your child at home and send it in by the 22nd of May Financial Aid Forms If you like to apply please fill it in at home and return it to the business office by May 25,2012.
September October 5th 2012 SPACE CAMP and AVIATION CHALLENGE programs use the excitement of space exploration and aviation to stimulate young peoples interests in the study of math, science and technology. Last year these programs served over 35,000 astronauts and pilots in training.
SPACE ACADEMY (Grades 7-8) A week at Space Academy is an intense experience designed to immerse the middle school student in the science and technology of the space program. Throughout the week trainees explore topics in science and technology in innovative ways while challenging and improving interpersonal skills such as teamwork and communication.
Space Academy 2 Missions 10 Hours of History Rocket Construction 8 Hours of Experiments Astronaute Simulator
Highlights: --Problem solving - Team building
Highlights: – Mission -International Space Station -current space missions and experiments
Standards All activities correlated to National science, math and technology standards All weeklong programs satisfy some requirements for Boy Scout and Girl Scout merit badges
Facilities Housing –Male and female rooms on separate floors –A resident counselor is on duty 11pm – 7am Cafeteria –Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner provided –Cafeteria style food Security –Security staff available at all times –Nursing staff on duty while campers present
U.S. Space & Rocket Center Extensive Collection of Space Artifacts Hands-On Exhibits Simulators Gift Shop IMAX ® and 3D Digital Theater Davidson Center for Space !
Important Dates May 22 nd 2012 Application ( both sides)/Behavioral Contract June 15thFirst deposit - $300 July 15th Second payment - $300 August 15Balance of payment -$275 Late SummerHealth forms online ALL CHECKS SHOULD BE PAYABLE TO SACRED HEART SCHOOLS and SENT TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE.
Bus trip About 10h = 3 movies To Huntsville, Alabama 1 rest stop for lunch ( bring lunch) Arrival 4:30 am at Sacred Heart for loading Departure 5:am precisely Sunday 9/30 Departure Huntsville 1:00 pm Friday 10/5 after lunch 1 rest stop for boxed dinner Arrival Chicago about 11:00 pm at night.
Forms Application Please fill in now- Financial Aid Forms If you like to apply please fill it in at home and return it to the business office.
Behavioral contract One accounts of either Aggressive Physical Contact and Intimidation or one account of Severe Physical Contact or Harassment and Intimidation, according to Sacred Heart Schools rubric for behavior, will result in the student losing the privilege of attending Space Academy. Two behavioral incidents resulting in the student calling the parents, according to the rubric, will also cause a student to lose the privilege of attending Space Academy. Students will also loose the privilege of attending Space Academy if they for any reasons, serve two detentions before the end of September. The code of conduct at Space Academy closely parallels the expectations of Sacred Heart. In addition, if a student does not make wise choices during the time at Space Academy, there is a strong possibility that Space Academy will send the student home at the parent(s) expense.
2nd meeting Tuesday Sep. 20 th 6:30pm More details Health form for Space and Rocket center Health form for bus trip Snacks/ water on the bus Packing/weather Calling cards Pocket money Other questions.