The future is inevitable HTML 5 Unity or … The future is inevitable
Developers have it tough Platforms fragmenting again Mobile Web Mobile web TV/Stove… Expectations of game players is growing Brand and reach matter more than ever Write once run any where…yup keep lying to us
What do the platforms care about? iOS – Flash support bigger concern than apps Android – not concerned about apps but they need better monetization RIM – YES Windows Mobile – YES Unity has grabbed mind share from Flash but HTML5 is constantly talked about
We need… Solid platform that is well tested Tools and 3rd party support Simple for the end users – security/plug-ins Ability to work cross platform High end audio/video Support
HTML5 The emerging standard Works across desktop and mobile Some easy to use game engines Lots and lots of interest But… is it ready
You can do some things and there are games
The standard is still moving – Haters will Hate
Unity Fast growing development environment Funded by Sequoia Support for 3d PhysX support Solid audio and video support Multiple back end servers for online games And the Asset Store Largest platform deal EA ever did
Unity Needs a plug-in Trying to support some Flash Eye to Html5 Support for multiple platforms tough for a 100 person company – but good reviews
So what about HTML5 Lots of promise Tools growing Major players need it to succeed But… Battle of the IDEs Fragmentation IDE Adobe Apple Microsoft 3rd parties
How about Unity Strong offer Growing – huge number of developers Needs a plug-in HTML5 is a real threat Lots of dev environments coming from big players RIM and Microsoft need HTML5 to work
Prediction Unity has the lead for at least another year HTML5 will offer better options in the long term but…
It is in the net Onlive Gaikai Otoy Others… But… will this sector need to be recapitalized before it is viable? ----- Meeting Notes (2/3/12 10:47) ----- stone trip