8th Grade SS
What you need… Product / Service Prototype / 3D Model Survey Results Marketing Plan Valuation of company
Groups should work on… Groups will select one of the following options: Invent a product to sell Prototype / 3D Model Create a service business Raise money for a good cause such as: Helping earthquake victims in Haiti Adopt a sea turtle Cancer research
Things to include in presentation Team will investigate the patent process in an effort to secure a patent for their invention. Sharks use the “Shark Tank Project Pitch” score sheet to assess the presentations. Valuation of your company.- % of company for sale Marketing Plan
Marketing Create an advertisement- Print, Audio, Video, Web Research Survey Incorporate Survey
What is my grade based on??? Presentation Rubric Marketing Plan The “Shark Tank Project Pitch” score sheet
Shark Tank Champions=5+points Category Presentation Rubric - Shark Tank Pitch Quality of Wording (script) 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point Information is detailed and accurate Wording is engaging and has a natural flow All questions are addressed Information is accurate Wording has a natural flow Information is mostly accurate Wording has a basic flow Most questions are addressed Information is not detailed nor accurate Wording does not make sense Few questions are addressed Visuals Visuals emphasize what is being said High quality graphic design No mechanical errors Visuals correlate with what is being said Quality graphic design Few mechanical errors Visuals are related to what is being said Basic graphic design Some mechanical errors Visuals not related to what is being said Low quality graphic design Many mechanical errors Eye Contact Faces the audience during the whole presentation. Keeps eye contact with audience during the whole presentation Faces the audience for most of the presentation. Keeps eye contact with the audience for most of the presentation Faces the visual aid for most of the presentation. Makes eye contact for some of the presentation Reads directly off the index cards the whole presentation. Faces the TV during the whole presentation. Voice Easy to understand - no mumbling Use public voice throughout presentation Use inflection and change their tone. (show enthusiasm when appropriate) Most group members speak clearly Most group members use their public voice. Most group members use inflection and change their tone. Most group members mumble and are hard to understand. Most group members do not use their public voice. Most group members are monotone. No group members can be heard or understood by the audience. All group members are monotone (voice is dull and does not change throughout presentation) Body Language Stands up straight Uses hand motions Takes the presentation seriously. Stands up straight for most of the presentation Some hand motions Takes presentation seriously Slouchy for most of the presentation. Few hand motions Does not take the presentation seriously. Does not stand up straight at all No movement of hands Laughs or makes faces during the presentation.
Due Dates May 12: 1st Academic- 10:20-12:50 May 12: 2nd Academic- 12.50-3:00 May 13: 3rd Academic- 10:20-12:50 May 13: 4th Academic- 12.50-3:00