Read the quote and with the person next to you, discuss what you think it means. Do you agree? Why / why not? Be prepared to share your thoughts with the class! Still not sure? Think about this: what does it mean to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”? How does this help you understand someone’s pain compared to just looking at them suffering and feeling sorry for them?
How would you describe the term “empathy”? Awareness of others’ emotions Understanding the suffering of others Being sensitive towards others perspectives Imagining yourself in someone else’s “shoes” Being willing to share someone’s pain Listening to someone without judgement Helping the other person feel less alone by showing you understand their feelings
Why is empathy so important? It reduces bullying It helps our relationships It improves our happiness It reduces racism and prejudice It encourages people to do good deeds It is good for our emotional well-being How does it help with all of these things?
What are the signs of someone with empathy? Listens intently to others Gives to others / selfless Shows understanding towards others Able to understand others’ emotions Sensitive towards others’ feelings Connects with how others are feeling Able to put themselves in others’ “shoes” Shows support and offers help Stands up for what is right Shows acts of kindness
What are the signs of people with a lack of empathy? Doesn’t connect with others’ feelings Struggles to understand what others are going through Doesn’t stop to think before saying something hurtful Doesn’t feel anything when they see others suffering Doesn’t feel excited for other peoples’ success Can’t see an argument from another point of view Doesn’t really listen to how others are feeling Gets frustrated when others get emotional Doesn’t have a desire help to when seeing others in trouble These are extreme: you may experience some or none of these, but empathy can be developed with practice!
What things can negatively affect your empathy? Only thinking about yourself and not thinking about others’ lives or feelings Not really listening to how others are feeling when they are talking – only listening to respond so you can say your bit Treating others how you want to treat them, not considering how they want to be treated Being stubborn with your own view point and not thinking of what the other person might be feeling
What things can positively influence your empathy? Reading more literary fiction – you gain experience at looking into what others think, believe and want Really listening when someone is talking – listen to hear, not to respond Use understanding language when listening: “I get it”, “I understand”, “That makes sense”, “Of course” Treat people how they would like to be treated – consider what would make them happy Get into a habit of always thinking of the other person’s view point when getting in a disagreement with someone
How would you respond and why? Scenarios to Discuss with Your Classmates: Turn-and-talk followed by share-out A friend of yours has just found out they didn’t make the basketball team and they are devastated How would you respond and why?
Scenarios to Discuss with Your Classmates: One of your classmates answers a question in a lesson, but gives the wrong answer. Several students in the room giggle and laugh. How would you respond and why?
Scenarios to Discuss with Your Classmates: One of your friends has just seen photos on social media from someone’s birthday party that they were not told about. They feel really left out. How would you respond and why?
Scenarios to Discuss with Your Classmates: One of your classmates has just come back from a long absence from school and you discovered that one of their family members has passed away. How would you respond and why?
Developing empathy begins with self-awareness. Now take a look at your responses and discuss the following with the person next to you: How empathetic would you say you are? Are you more empathetic towards people you know compared to those you don’t talk to? Did any of your responses shock you? Did they raise awareness to the fact that you might want to develop your empathy further? How?
The Empathy Effect! Think of a time when someone showed you empathy when you were going through something difficult: What happened? How did you feel? What were the positive outcomes of this person’s kindness?
Helping others also helps you too! Our words and actions can have an effect on others’ feelings so we should be sensitive with them and support each other more often. Showing empathy towards others helps strengthen our own relationships too. With the person next to you, come up with as many scenarios you come across on a regular basis, that you can use as an opportunity to show empathy to others.
When seeing someone in difficulty, you can: Watch and listen. What is the person saying and how are they acting? Try to recall a time when you went through a similar experience and reflect on how you felt at the time. If you have never been in their situation, imagine how you might feel if you were “in their shoes”. Think about what emotions they might be feeling and recall when you have felt similar emotions. Ask the person how they are feeling and let them express themselves to you if they want to. Let the person know you care about them and their feelings. Show you care through words and actions. Respect their need for privacy and understanding.