Indonesia’s Readiness-Plan Technical Advisory Panel Review Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Indonesia’s Readiness-Plan Technical Advisory Panel Review Participants Committee Meeting (FCPF PC3) Montreux, Switzerland, June 16-18, 2009
Forest area and deforestation (based on FAO-FRA, 2007) Country Forest Area (m ha) in 2005 % of total Forest Area of SE Asia Annual Deforest. (‘000 ha) 2000- 2005 % of Total Deforest. of SE Asia Country’s Deforestation Rate* Cambodia 10.4 3.3 219 7.3 High (2.0) Lao 16.1 5.2 78 2.6 Medium (0.5) Nepal 3.6 1.2 53 1.8 High (1.4) Papua N.G. 29.4 9.4 139 4.7 Thailand 14.5 59 2.0 Medium (0.4) Vanuatu 0.4 0.1 Low (0.0) Vietnam 12.9 4.1 8.1 TOTAL 87.3 28% 789 27% Indonesia R-Plan) 88.4 28.4 1871 62.0
Diverse Forest Attributes and Governance Structures HF/HD HF/LD LF/HD LF/LD
R-Plan Strengths (1) Indonesia R-Plan is well-advanced Drawing on the strengths of the Indonesian Forest-Climate Alliance (IFCA) process and resulting report, the R-Plan is comprehensive, consistent, and well reasoned The principal drivers of deforestation were recognized and responses proposed IFCA report jump started prior consultations with stakeholders 11/15/2018
R-Plan Strengths (2) The National Carbon Accounting System (NCAS) and Forest Resources Information System (FRIS) provide the foundation for measurements and monitoring schemes The proposal to link action at multiple levels with methodological, policy and institutional requirements is forward looking Framework enjoys government ownership, in particular from the Ministry of Forestry 11/15/2018
REDD: A new challenge (1) R-Plan lists the existing suite of forest sector strategies and policies relevant for REDD The forest land-use strategies (conservation, production, conversion forests, oil palm development and forest peatlands) fit with the efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation Track record of implementation of existing policies could be further examined in some more detail Combating illegal logging and its associated illegal trade, forestry sector restructuring and rehabilitation, strengthening local economies and securing forest areas ; (2) forestry sector restructuring through enhancement of timber plantation and industry restructuring; (3) forest rehabilitation and conservation and; (4) strengthening the economy of local communities and, (5) securing forest areas 11/15/2018
REDD: A new challenge (2) Multi-level approaches to REDD (i.e., national, provincial and district) are essential in Indonesia The most relevant geographies/islands could be addressed under specific plans and strategies (e.g., is it feasible/desirable to develop specific plans for Sumatra, Kalimantan or Papua?) There is significant need to engage with, and increase participation by, local and indigenous communities 11/15/2018
Issues: consultations Richness of insights gathered through stakeholder consultation sessions (R-Plan pages14-21) could be further analyzed and synthesized More structured and purpose-driven consultative processes should be put in place with indigenous/local community and forest dwellers Consultative processes need to be broadened sector-wise and expanded geographically 11/15/2018
Issues: RELs and MRV Inclusion of sub- national RELs as part of the proposed analytical approach (historical emission, models, hybrid) for the national reference emissions level (REL) Encouraging the use of higher IPCC Tiers for development of RELs. How could monitoring activities be linked to equitable benefit distribution? 11/15/2018
Recommendations (1) While the majority of TORs are relatively well-developed, others are in need of further work (e.g., capacity building and trade-off assessment) Harmonization of REDD implementation with new and existing regulations is important (e.g. forestry law, spatial planning legislation, licensing for use of forest land, community plantation forests, etc) The inclusion of carbon-rich peat swamp ecosystems needs to be explicitly explored 11/15/2018
Recommendations (2) There is a need to sort out how the demonstration activities will be integrated into the wider REDD strategy development There is need for more detailed guidance for REDD activities, and in particular on how issues of carbon and land tenure and asset ownership will be dealt with The REDD regulatory framework should be able to facilitate and capture the wealth/diversity at sectoral and sub national implementation (provinces, districts, projects) 11/15/2018