Instrumentation and Methods in Astroparticle Physics Physics 801 Prof. Teresa Montaruli (interested students contact me) Description: 3 cr, 2 lectures/week Prerequisites: the course is open to graduate students and to undergraduates who have taken a course covering some special relativity and quantum mechanics The course is designed to introduce the experimental techniques and the data analysis methods of Particle Astrophysics. We will review present experiments and introduce students to the data analysis methods. The course will include practical applications involving the use of numerical methods and simulations. Class notes and reading material will be provided throughout the course. The students will develop a project such as designing a detector or analysis tools covering a topic discussed in class. Introduction to Special Relativity Interaction of Particles with Matter: nuclear and hadronic interactions, electromagnetic interactions and photons, weak interactions and neutrinos, decays, energy losses. Cosmic Ray Physics: acceleration of particles in sources, propagation, composition and spectrum and their measurement, shower development in the atmosphere, current puzzles and future expectations. Detection: balloon experiments, satellites and Extensive Air Showers. Examples of Current Detectors: Pierre Auger and Hires (sampling technique and fluorescence detection) Gamma and Neutrino Astronomy: photon and neutrino production in sources, the most compelling high energy phenomena, such as Gamma-Ray-Bursts, Active Galactive Nuclei and Magnetars Experiments: satellites, telescopes exploiting the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique and Extensive Air Showers Examples of Current Detectors in Gamma Astronomy: EGRET and BATSE, GLAST, MAGIC and HESS Example of Current Detectors in Neutrino Astronomy: AMANDA, IceCube, ANTARES Dark Matter: introduction to cosmology, current results, Dark Matter candidates and detection techniques Throughout the course we will develop: Statistical Techniques in Particle Astrophysics Studies of Detector Performances through Monte Carlo Techniques Data Analysis with Modern Tools 2500 m depth Crab nebula Cen A nm Satellites and Earth based Gamma Telescopes Optical Modules storey Electronics container ~2500 m EOC to shore ~ 40 km 100m ~350m Interconnecting cables Junction Box 70 m 14.5m anchor buoy acoustic beacon Extensive Air Showers and IACT Neutrino Telescopes deep in the South Pole ice or in the Sea