Physical Assessment of the Injured Athlete Sports Medicine 1 Mr. Smith
Today’s Agenda HIPS Evaluation Process SOAP Evaluation Process Learn it, you are expected this upcoming year to use it and present all injuries to me in this format
HIPS Evaluation Process H = History (verbal) I = Inspection (visual) P = Palpation (feeling) S = Special Tests (all the specific details of the injury) I don’t expect you to know all the special tests….. yet.
History All the questions that you can think of regarding the injury and more!!! Mechanism of Injury (MX) How they hurt them self- Weight bearing, twisting, contact, falling…etc. Any previous injury to the area? If so, break it down. Did they see the doctor? Diagnosis? Surgery? Missed practice time? Why is this question important?
Determine whether the injury is acute or chronic Unusual sensations? Description of pain- location, type, severity, is it constant? Dull? Achy? Radiating? What makes it worse/ better? Have them point to the exact spot that it hurts the most Determine whether the injury is acute or chronic Determine how long the athlete has had the symptoms and whether or not they disappear
Inspection Visual inspection of area for: ALWAYS compare bilaterally Edema (swelling) Amount and location Ecchymosis (bruising) Deformity Fractures, tendon rupture, dislocation… etc ALWAYS compare bilaterally Notice altered gait (walking pattern) and/or posture
Palpation Learn your anatomy!!! Pull out an anatomy book or reference if you are unsure of the anatomy Start away from the suspected injury site and work towards the identified area Why is this important? Palpate bony anatomy, soft tissue anatomy (muscle, ligaments, tendons)
ALWAYS COMPARE BILATERALLY!! Palpate surrounding and immediate area for: Tissue temperature differences To determine whether or not there is inflammation in the area Pain Deformity Swelling ALWAYS COMPARE BILATERALLY!!
Special Tests Range of Motion (ROM) Active and Passive Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) or Resistive Range of Motion (RROM) Special Tests Tests the integrity of the specific structures You should know the most common special tests already Example: Ankle and knee assessments
SOAP Notes S- Subjective O-Objective A- Assessment P- Plan What the athlete tells you O-Objective What you observe A- Assessment Diagnosis P- Plan What you do with the athlete after they see you… Including ice, heat, stretch, calling home, referral, sitting out from practice… etc.
Questions? Questions? Comments? Concerns? You need to know one of these types of evaluation processes like the back of your hand!