Welcome to 6th Grade TAG Social Studies! Please use the index card and pens to write down the following information for me: Your name Your child’s name 3 words that best describe your child 2 things I should know about your child (Anything you feel I need to know about your student to be the best teacher I can be for her/him!) 1 wish that you have for your child this year
About Mrs. Sheftel Education Teaching Experience Hobbies/Interests Indiana University – B.S., Marketing University of Georgia – M.Ed Lincoln Memorial University – Ed.S Teaching Experience 12 years in Gwinnett County 3rd year in Fulton and at WBMS Hobbies/Interests
SOCIAL STUDIES Map & Globe Skills Information Processing Geography Emphasized All Year Long Enduring Conceptual Understandings Map & Globe Skills Information Processing Geography History Government Economics
SOCIAL STUDIES – 1st Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Europe
SOCIAL STUDIES – 2nd Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Canada
SOCIAL STUDIES – 3rd Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Latin America
SOCIAL STUDIES – 4th Nine Weeks Physical Geography Historical Developments Political Developments Economic Developments Australia & Personal Finance
Grade Weights Summative Assessments: Tests/Projects...………………………………………………50% Formative Assessments: Quizzes …………………………….…………….30% Classwork/Homework ………………………………….......20%
Extra Help Sessions Extra help sessions are held on Monday mornings in room 605 from 8:00-8:30 or by appointment. Students must have a note in their agenda to attend the help sessions!
Contact Info Email: sheftel@fultonschools.org Check out my website! www.sheftel.weebly.com On this site you will find: Important dates – quizzes, tests, projects PPT’s and handouts we use in class Helpful links for students to use Announcements ***I also have Edmodo for student use Edmodo.com/sheftel
Friday Ticket Drawings On a regular basis, your child is rewarded for positive behaviors with tickets. Tickets may be cashed in for weekly drawings for prizes. Bulldog Buck Bulldog Buck Teacher__________ Teacher__________ Bulldog Buck Team 6D Teacher__________ Bulldog Buck Team 6D Teacher__________ Bulldog Buck er__________ Bulldog Buck er__________ er__________ er__________ Team 6D Team 6D Team 6D Teacher__________ Team 6D Teacher__________ Bulldog Buck Bulldog Buck cher__________ cher__________ cher__________ cher__________ Teacher__________ Teacher__________ Team 6D Teacher__________ eam 6D eacher__________ Team 6D Teacher__________ Bulldog Buck eam 6D eacher__________ Bulldog Buck Bulldog Buck Bulldog Buck Team 6D Team 6D Team 6D Teacher__________ eam 6D cher__________ Team 6D Teacher__________ eam 6D cher__________
How can you help? Your HELP is needed!......We need prizes for our ticket drawings. Examples include: individually wrapped candy, pencils, erasers, etc. No gum, please! Are you interested in being a guest speaker? Please let me know!
Thank you for coming!