3/17 & 3/18 - 7th Grade Agenda Learning Objective: Discuss about Fungus Collect HW: Reading & Notetaking 164 – 165 Pass back graded HW. Video: Protists Textbook Reading: p.318 - 333 HW: Chap 9 Data Table
Reflection Prompt: Write 3 questions that you have about fungi.
Protist Protists are eukaryotes that cannot be classified as anim___, plants or fun___. Most protists are unicellular but some are multicellular als gi
Animal like Protists Animal like protist are heterotr_____ and most are able to move from place to place to obtain food Animal like protist are unicell_____ ophs ular
Animal like Protist (Parameciaum) How is it like an animal? How is it NOT like an animal?
Plantlike Protists Plantlike protists are commonly called algae Algae are auto_____ can produce sug___ using photosynthesis trophs ar
Why is Algae not a plant? Brown Algae Plant Algae is not a pla___ because they don’t have the leaf, stem and ro____ structure of plants. nt ot
Red Algae is used in Sushi Red Algae is used to make ice cr_____, hair cond_______ and sus____ eam itioner hi
Fungus like protists Fungus like protist are heterotr____, have cell walls, and use spores to reproduce Slime molds, water molds and downy mildews are examples of fungus like protists ophs
Fungus res yotes Mold Mushroom Yeast Fungi (Pronounced Fun Guy) are eukar______ that have cell walls, are heterotrophs that feed by absorbing their food and use spo_____ to reproduce yotes Mold Mushroom res Blue Cheese Yeast
Is Mushroom a Plant? No. Why? Don’t use photosynthesis Absorb dead organism through hyphae (Pronounced hyphee)
Which Mushrooms are Poisonous? All of them. How do you tell the difference? It is not easy to tell the difference!
Some Fungus are helpful Penicillin is a type of mold that kills bact____ eria
Reflection Prompt: Write 5 facts about Protists