Working with the Command-Line Interfaced Chapter 16
Deciphering the Command Line interface Shells Accessing the Command-Line Interface cmd Accessing the Command-Line Interface in Mac OS X and Linux terminal The Command Prompt C:\> username:/home Filenames and File Formats Drives and Folders
Mastering Fundamental Commands Structure: Syntax and Switches Viewing Directory Contents: dir and ls Changing Directory Focus: The cd command Moving Between Drives Windows: drivename: Linux: cd Making directories: The md/mkdir Command Removing Directories: The rd/rmdir Command Working With Directories Running a Program
Working with Files Attributes Wildcards Renaming Files Deleting Files Copying and moving Files Xcopy Robocopy cp and mv
Assorted Windows Commands chkdsk format hostname gpupdate gpresult sfc shutdown compact cipher powershell
Assorted Mac OS X and Linux Commands ifconfig iwconfig ps grep apt-get vi dd Copying a hard drive Backing up a thumb drive Wiping a disk shutdown passwd