The Churches: East and West World History and Geography Chapter 10.1
The Schism: Division of the Churches The Great Schism occurred in 1054 when Pope Leo IX (West) and Emperor Michael Cerularius (East) excommunicated each other. This excommunication ended most contact between the two. They treated one another as rivals rather than branches of the same faith. East = Eastern Orthodox Church West = Roman Catholic Church
Why were they different? Simply due to: geography language & beliefs
1. Leader of the church East: No pope! Byzantine emperor appoints a patriarch or himself as head of the Eastern Orthodox church. West: Pope controlled church affairs, appointed by the College of Cardinals.
2. Geography The East: Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, and Northern Africa The West encompassed Western Europe and the northern and western areas of the Mediterranean
3. Language Differences East: Spoke Greek. Most patriarchs in Constantinople could not read Latin, the language of the Western Church West: Spoke Latin. Most clergymen and Popes could not read Greek, the language of the Eastern Church.
4. Bread. Yes, bread. East: Used leavened bread for sacrament West: Used unleavened bread for sacrament
5. Different beliefs East: More theoretical, focused on the divinity of Christ, more than his humanity. West: Although believing in the divinity of Christ, emphasized his humanity when depicting Jesus in Art. East: Priests regained their right to marry West: Priests CANNOT marry
6. Different beliefs East: No icons. West: Prayed to icons: images of Christ, Mary, and Saints East: Holy Day is Easter West: Holy Day is Christmas