Bridge to biology AVID Vocabulary Foldable Step 1: Fold 2 pieces of paper hotdog style Step 2: Create 6 tabs by drawing 5 lines 4.5cm apart Step 3: Cut the top 2 layers of the paper along each line- BE SURE NOT TO CUT ALL LAYERS OF THE PAPER!! Step 4: Separate the 2 sheets of paper and glue into your notebook on pages ____ STEPS FOR COMPLETING VOCABULARY FOLDABLE Step 1: Illustrate each word on outside of flap- NO WORDS OR NUMBERS Step 2: Inside of each flap- Write the Word & and a Link Word Step 3: Adjacent to the word & link Write the Definition and 1 Sentence that helps to show the meaning of the word
Bridge to biology- Theory Of Evolution Vocabulary Foldable Complete the Vocabulary Cards for the following terms (Use ScienceSaurus) Evolution, Fossil Record, Anatomy, Embryology, Biogeography, Molecular Biology, Hominid Evolution, Ancestor, Inference, Observation, Scientific Theory, Scientific Law