Scientific Revolution 1500’s – 1700’s
KEY VOCABULARY TERMS AND IMPORTANT PEOPLE Scientific Revolution: An intellectual movement of the 1500’s that focused on advancements in math, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry.
Vocabulary Geocentric Theory: The geocentric model, also known as the Ptolemaic system, is a theory that explains how the planets, the Sun, and even the stars orbit around the Earth.
Vocabulary Heliocentric Theory: The heliocentric model is a theory that places the Sun as the center of the universe, and the planets orbiting around it.
Nicolaus Copernicus Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe
Galileo Galilei an Italian philosopher, and mathematician[4] played a major role in the scientific revolution during theRenaissance. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and supported heliocentrism He was a follower of Copernicus
Sir Issac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician Responsible for the 3 laws of Motion Defined Gravity and its laws
Johann Kepler German mathematician,astronomer, and astrologer. Best known for inventing the 3 laws of planetary motion
Vocabulary Planetary Motion The study of the movements of planets in the universe. Three scientific laws designed by Kepler.
Vocabulary Scientific Method a method of inquiry commonly based on empirical or measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.
Vocabulary Ptolemaic System The Ptolemaic system is a geocentric theory. it starts by assuming that the Earth is stationary and at the center of the universe.