Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, associate professor, PhD Erasmus Exchange in Ionian University 30 april – 3 May 2018 Doru Anastasiu POPESCU, associate professor, PhD
City Pitesti from Romania Pitesti is a city in the center of Romania with a population of approx. 150000 inhabitants. Number of students: approx. 9000 (University of Pitesti) Pitesti is famous for the Dacia car factory (models: Logan, Duster, Sandero)
Faculty in University of Pitesti, Romania Number of students: approx. 9000 Faculty of Sciences, Physical Education and Informatics Faculty of Mechanics and Technology Faculty of Electronics, Communications and Computers Faculty of Education Science, Social Sciences and Psychology Faculty of Economic Sciences and Law Faculty of Theology, History and Arts
FACULTY OF SCIENCES, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INFORMATICS UPIT Departments: Department of Medical Assistance and Physical Therapy Department of Natural Sciences Department of Environmental Engineering and Applied Sciences Department of Physical Education and Sport Department of Mathematics and Informatics The Faculty of Science was founded in 1990, with four bachelor’s degree programs (Biology, Chemistry-Physics, Mathematics and Philology. The faculty gains a wide recognition and a well-deserved reputation. Currently, the Faculty of Science, Physical Education and Informatics manages 35 Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, with a total number of 2115 students.
DEPARTAMENT OF MATHEMATICS - INFORMATICS UPIT Studii de licenţă Specializarea: INFORMATICĂ Specializarea: MATEMATICĂ Studii de Masterat Domeniul: Informatică Program de Master universitar: Advanced Techniques for Information Processing Domeniul: Matematică Program de Master universitar: MATEMATICĂ APLICATĂ Program de Master universitar: MATEMATICĂ DIDACTICĂ Studii de DOCTORAT Domeniul: Informatică Domeniul: Matematică
DEPARTAMENT OF MATHEMATICS - INFORMATICS Erasmus for students (bachelor’s degree, master or phd) and professors from the Department of Mathematics- Informatics or the partner faculties, on the signed agreements basis with: 1. Universitatea din Patras (Grecia), domeniul matematică; 2. Universitatea Aristotel din Salonic (Grecia), domeniul matematică. 3. Universitatea Ionian din Corfu (Grecia), domeniul Informatică. 4. Universitatea din Granada (Spania), domeniul Informatică. 5. Univeritatea Paul Verlaine - Metz (Franţa), domeniul matematică; 6. Universitatea Herni Poincare - Nancy (Franţa), domeniul informatică; 7. Universitatea catolica Eichstat-Ingolstadt (Germania), domeniul matematică; 8. Universitatea St.Cyril si St. Methodius din Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria), domeniul informatică; 9. Dolnoslaska wyzsa szkola przedsiebiorczosci i techniki w Polkowicach (Polonia), domeniul informatică. 10. Agrri Ibrahim Cecen University (Turcia), domeniul matematică
WEB SITE: Pitesti, Argeș Str. Târgu din Vale, nr.1, Building S Tel./Fax 0348453240 Email: WEB SITE:
University of Pitesti Department of Mathematics and Informatics Email: WEB SITE: