Literature Circle Presentations English 10B
English 10B: Lit Circle Presentations Each person needs to have a SPEAKING role… Perhaps some of these require 2 people to fulfill the role because there is a great deal of information to present: The summarizer – tell us the “gist” of your book… we should understand what your book is about because of your description. Include discussion of main events, but try not to give away the ending. Sell us your book – make us want to read it! The character analyzer – give us an analysis of the main characters. What are they like? How are they different? What stands out about them? Which did you most like/dislike? The conflict lecturer – tell us the main types (internal – man vs. self, external – man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society) of conflict in the story. Who/what is involved? How do these conflicts drive the events of your novel? Which conflict did you most want to see resolved? The theme “discusser” – share the message/messages of this novel. What is the author trying to say or prove, based on the events in the book? EXPLAIN. Consider coming up with a few thematic statements that could convey this, but make sure to present examples that support why your statements fit. The interesting discussion points presenter – tell us how the novel relates to you (connections), interesting ideas that came up in your discussions, sharing of favorite parts/characters BE PREPARED TO ANSWER AUDIENCE QUESTIONS.
EACH OF THESE WILL BE WORTH 6 POINTS, FOR A TOTAL OF 36 POINTS: GRADING - CONTENT EACH OF THESE WILL BE WORTH 6 POINTS, FOR A TOTAL OF 36 POINTS: The summarizer – summary is adequate; somewhat demonstrates depth; audience gets a “feel” for the novel based on this description; engaging – hooks the audience The character analyzer – analysis demonstrates understanding of character complexities The conflict lecturer – analysis demonstrates understanding of conflict; relationships between characters The theme “discusser” – message reflects understanding of the novel; theme discussed within context of specific events of the novel so far The interesting discussion points presenter – discussion demonstrates understanding of the novel and makes connections to self/group (tell us how the novel relates to you, interesting ideas that came up in your discussion, sharing of favorite parts/characters )
GRADING - PRESENTATION 1. _____ / 5 All group members are on task during the preparation of the presentation 2. _____ / 5 All group members play an active role in the presentation 3. _____ / 5 Presentation is logically organized and demonstrates preparedness 4. _____ / 5 Presentation is interesting/appealing 5. _____ / 4 Voice/volume/clarity
TOTAL: _____ / 60 COMMENTS: Please keep in mind that your goals are: To demonstrate (prove) your understanding of the intricacies and complexities of your novel – its events, conflicts, characters, themes, etc. To make those who did not choose to read it want to read it and to help your audience clearly understand what your book is about To hone your communication and presentation skills