NAVAJO LANGUAGE CURRICULUM Strengths for K-5 Monthly themes for the school year Four quarter plans K-5, Az State Native Languages Standards DAP Assessment: CRT, TMT, OCL, PBA Summary Sheets: Verbal lessons/pre-post assessments Lesson Plans based on DEP (Dine Educational Philosophy) Nitsahakees = thoughtfulness, brainstorm, awareness Nahat’a = prepare, organize, information, gathering Iina = implementation, application, experience Sihasin = evaluation, reflection, celebration
NAVAJO LANGUAGE CURRICULUM Areas of Concern Need to revisit the curriculum IEC for program (schedule of meetings) Fundings: JOM and Title VI - share proposed budget prior money allocation School or teacher supplies Beyond contract for staff to work on curriculum improvement, data digs, attend trainings/workshops. Leadership direction for the program itself for decision making Guidance and Parental Support is needed
NAVAJO LANGUAGE CURRICULUM Suggestions for Improvement Need a director or coordinator for the program Need to decide whether to continue to use Az World Native Languages Standards - which includes: communication - reading, writing, listening, and speaking; culture connection, comparisons, communities. Navajo Nation Standards which has five (5) components: oral language, culture, government, navajo history, and Dine character building. Navajo Oral Language Assessment which has been compiled by DODE, who can decide this for our program?
TUBA CITY PRIMARY SCHOOL DATA COLLECTION K-2 STEEP PM for Kinder - LSF and 1st Grade - WIF (Tells us mastery of sounds and mastery of sight words) STEEP Benchmark 1st and 2nd Grades: BME (Tells us who is reading at mastery, instructional, frustrational Levels) Weekly MATH and ELA formatives (Tells us who has mastered math/ela standards and who needs reteach and enrichment) 1st & 2nd grade Spelling Tests (Tells us who can spell words; sounds mastered) Daily Math Skills - Math Fluency (Tells us who is at mastery, instructional and frustrational levels of basic math facts)
K-2 Strengths and Concerns Leadership Team Weekly planning and collaborating meetings (K-2) Data Digs (K-2) - math/ela formatives Reteach/Enrichment lists Online programs - HeadSprout (K-2), IXL (K-2) and Study Island (K-2) Concerns: Parental Involvement - lack support of parents New Teacher Induction: Specific training in BT - EEI, IEEI, Balanced Lit/Math and follow up need to occur. Sketchy implementation of Spalding Shortage of in school interventions (K-1 after school tutoring not offered) RTI not utilized to its fullest potential Limited, if not any programs to cater to highly proficient students for K-2 Staff PD needs to be better thought out
K-2 Suggestions for Improvement Parent Involvement - Focus on family engagement and culture. Make families feel welcome in school REFRESHER of Spalding training and/or trainer on site visit. Intervention ideas/training needed. Enrichment clubs offered - science club; choir, chess, drama Emphasis needed on K-2 learning of sounds - Phonemic Awareness! New Teacher Induction clearly headed by district not buildings.
3-5 Strengths 1. Leadership Team 2. Planning and Collaboration 3. Data Digs (reteach/enrich, daily instruction, intervention) 4. Formatives and PSA (aligned) 5. Studyisland and IXL 6. Class Dojo Celebration
Strengths 1. Leadership Team 3 SAT
Strengths 1. Leadership Team 3 Mentors
Strengths 1. Leadership Team ITL
Strengths 1. Leadership Team ITL
Strengths 2. Planning and Collaboration
Strengths 3. Data Digs (reteach/enrich, daily instruction, intervention)
Strengths 3. Data Digs (reteach/enrich, daily instruction, intervention)
Strengths 4. Formatives and PSA
Strengths 4. Formatives and PSA
Strengths 5. Study Island
Strengths 5. Study Island
Strengths 5. IXL
Strengths 6. Class Dojo Celebration
3-5 Areas of Concern 1. Parental Involvement 2. Understaffed (class size and ESS accommodation) 3. RTI not utilize to its full potential 4. Enrichment Programs
3-5 Suggestions for Improvement 1. Parental Involvement - Focus on family engagement and culture. Make families feel welcomed in school. 2. Understaffed (class size and ESS accommodation) - Additional staff to lessen class size and service our ESS students. 3. RTI not utilize to its full potential - Intervention ideas/training needed. Full time SAT to monitor students on watch list. 4. Enrichment Programs - Assign Coordinator for TAG or advance students.