Intro. to Canada’s Economic and Global Connections ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY Intro. to Canada’s Economic and Global Connections
What is a raw material? Material that is taken from the natural environment. Example: metals, wheat, fish, trees
Industries in Canada fall into 3 basic categories: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary PRIMARY INDUSTRIES take raw materials from the environment example: mining, fishing, forestry, agriculture 4% of Canada’s workforce
SECONDARY INDUSTRIES involve the processing of primary industry products into finished goods example: manufacturing, construction, utilities 22 % of Canada’s workforce
TERTIARY INDUSTRIES provide services to support society in general example: retail, education, health, business, government, finance, transportation, real estate 74% of Canada’s workforce
Basic Vs. Non Basic Industries BASIC INDUSTRY industry that sells its products outside the community which brings money back into the community example: Hi-tech worker, miner, factory worker
NON-BASIC INDUSTRY industry that sells its products within the community, the money is recycled within the community example: hairdresser, teacher, bank teller, dentist