Implementing NQF: developing high quality qualifications Further improvement of the system for development and implementation of the National Qualification Framework FINAL CONFERENCE Twinning Project MK 13 IPA SO 02 15 Skopje, 10th of October 2017
Process of development of qualifications for the NQF enhanced Component 3 Process of development of qualifications for the NQF enhanced Twinning Project MK 13 IPA SO 02 15
Main strands of Component 3 Methodology of developing new qualifications for the NQF based on labour market needs. Testing of the updated methodology (two priority sectors). Guidelines and procedures for quality assurance of the NQF Support in the referencing process
Updating and developing qualifications Main strands of work: Identification of existing practices in developing qualifications in different sectors Developing manuals: for updating qualifications (including the checklist) and developing new ones Capacity building: training the trainers on the development of new qualifications Testing: developing and updating qualifications in 2 priority sectors: tourism and IT
Updating and developing qualifications Clear definition of the competencies of experts involved in developing and adopting qualifications, binding for Sectoral Qualifications Councils Clearly defined and communicated rules of experts’ functioning Necessary resources, including financing, ensured Clearly specified and binding rules of assigning NQF levels to existing and new qualifications Rules for activities of the Sectoral Qualification Councils related to adopting existing and developing qualifications prepared and adopted by relevant bodies Standardised indication of NQF level on diplomas and certificates The national general criteria of selecting existing qualifications for adaptation to NQF requirements (and at the same time to include these qualifications in the NQF system) should be defined
Quality of qualifications Interviews with stakeholders and site visits Establishing the Working Group for Quality Assurance established Developing recommendations: workshops with the Working Group for QA As a result: common thinking about the QA developed and the general concept of the approach to QA agreed between stakeholders
Quality of qualifications The quality assurance system of awarded qualifications should: be based on the closed cycle of continuous improvement – quality assurance cycle separate formal control from evaluation aimed at improvement be as simple as possible and not focused on bureaucratic aspects of QA be adapted to the needs of computerisation embrace process of validation and certification of qualifications based on learning outcomes acquired outside the formal education system take into account labour market and employers’ needs.
Support to the referencing process Project started after the presentation and adoption of the referencing report to the Advisory Group The main activities: Working together on developing a road-map of the NQF implementation Integrating activities in various NQF-related projects into one coherent agenda Working on the common glossary Involvement of experts from Advisory Group to ensure capacity building: Poland, Croatia, Austria, France, Hungary, Czech Republic