European frameworks for VET VLOR Brussels, 4 June 2014 Carlo Scatoli Vocational Training and Adult Learning
Strengthen the European dimension 2002 The Copenhagen Declaration 30 November 2002 Strengthen the European dimension Improve transparency, information and guidance systems Recognise competences and qualifications Promote quality assurance Lisbon strategy for employment
( 2014 ) European area of skills and qualifications An initiative to boost transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications in education and training and the labour market More intensive coordination of European transparency tools A public consultation: 17 Dec 2013- 15 Apr 2014 A conference: 17 June 2014
2002 The Copenhagen Process Policy framework Coordination of voluntary cooperation between countries towards common objectives for vocational education and training
Maastricht Communiqué 2004 Maastricht Communiqué Put Copenhagen tools into practice Improve public/private investments Address the needs of groups at risk Develop progression and individualised paths Strengthen planning and partnerships; identify skill needs Develop learning methods and environments Expand teachers’ and trainers’ competences Improve VET statistics
2006 Helsinki Communiqué Improve image, status, attractiveness of VET; good governance Develop further, test and implement common tools by 2010 More systematic mutual learning; more and better VET statistics Take all stakeholders on board
Implement tools and mechanisms Raise quality and attractiveness 2008 Bordeaux Communiqué Implement tools and mechanisms Raise quality and attractiveness Improve the links between VET and the labour market Strengthen cooperation arrangements
Implement tools and mechanisms Raise quality and attractiveness 2010 Bruges Communiqué Implement tools and mechanisms Raise quality and attractiveness Improve the links between VET and the labour market Strengthen cooperation arrangements
Long-term strategic objectives for the decade (2011-2020) 2010 - 2020 Bruges Communiqué Long-term strategic objectives for the decade (2011-2020) In line with Europe 2020 and the ET 2020 programme targets Intermediary objectives – the short term deliverables (STDs)
Tools 2005 2008 2009 European operational frameworks for transparency and quality in VET
Europass Skills Passport Europass CV Europass Language Passport Europass Mobility Europass Certificate Supplement Europass Diploma Supplement Europass Skills Passport
2013 Europass evaluation. Effective tool (40 million CV) Need to better document non-formal and informal learning Improved synergies with other European initiatives - transparency and recognition of qualifications - career guidance - job matching
The European Qualification Framework for lifelong learning Qualification levels defined through learning outcomes NQF 10 NQF 9 NQF 8 NQF 7 NQF 6 NQF 5 NQF 4 NQF 3 NQF 2 NQF 1 EQF 8 EQF 7 EQF 6 EQF 5 EQF 4 EQF 3 EQF 2 EQF 1 NQF 7 NQF 6 NQF 5 NQF 4 NQF 3 NQF 2 NQF 1
25 countries have related their levels to the EQF levels Now all European countries have or are developing NQF based on learning outcomes; EQF/NQF are spreading the learning outcomes approach – as concerns qualifications; Fragile link between EQF/NQF and European quality assurance tools; EQF is the only full LLL transparency instrument; There is interest from international qualifications and non-EU frameworks.
EQAVET The European Quality Assurance Framework for VET Supports countries and VET providers developing their quality assurance systems. Based on a cycle of four phases (planning, implementation, evaluation and review); each phase supported by quality criteria and indicative descriptors, to be applied at the level of VET system, VET provider and qualification awarding institution. A toolbox approach: no need to use all of the framework.
EQAVET 2013 EQAVET evaluation, report January 2014. Not enough attention to the quality of learning outcomes; Limited application to non-institutional training (C-VET); The transparency dimension of EQAVET is limited; Cross sector QA principles and guidelines & sector specific principles and guidelines.
ECVET The European Credit transfer and accumulation system for VET To support VET mobility; To promote flexible learning pathways. Credit as assessed learning outcomes; Qualifications made up of units of learning outcomes; Credit points may be used if necessary. A toolbox approach: no need to use all of the framework.
2014 Copenhagen process: Bruges review Link to ET 2020, Bruges Communiqué requesting new set of short-term deliverables beyond 2014 Review with the aim to define a new set of short-term deliverables to support growth and jobs which should facilitate VET reforms at national level EU context – role of VET in overall growth and jobs agenda (Europe 2020) Significance of VET (for both medium and high level skills demand)
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