Towards a European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) Education and Training Statistics Luxembourg 30 January – 1 February 2006 Maria Hrabinska In co-operation with Jens Bjornavold and Michael Teutsch DG Education and Culture Unit A6 – Analyses, Statistics and Indicators Fine
Purpose of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Facilitating the transfer and recognition of qualifications of individual citizens Within and between countries Between education and training systems Allowing use of all acquired skills Opening to new learning
Our Lifelong Learning Experience at present: Still obstacles! within and between countries between education and training systems to use of acquired skills to new learning
The European Qualifications Framework Cooperation in higher education (Bologna process) Consultation — Not a final recommendation Cooperation in vocational education and training (Copenhagen process) Requested by Commission and Council in 2004 and European Council in 2005
The main elements of the EQF
Functions of the EQF Tool (translation device) for comparing qualifications Neutral reference point based on learning outcomes
A basis for co-operation EQF implementation is voluntary Entails no legal obligations on Member States or sectors Fosters change by supporting reform
What EQF is NOT! EQF not about replacing national/sectoral frameworks EQF not about harmonisation EQF CANNOT define new qualifications
Country A Country B EQF Level 8 NQF/ NQS EQF Level 7 EQF Level 6
Swedish post-secondary engineering education (Påbygnadsutbildning) = EQF Level 4 = Irish post secondary education at national level 6 (Advanced certificate) E Q F
Each EQF Reference Level Wider personal and professional competences The Eight EQF Levels Knowledge Each EQF Reference Level Skills Wider personal and professional competences Image would be nice….
Types of competence Knowledge Skills Personal and professional competence Autonomy and responsibility Learning competence Communication and social competence Professional and vocational competence
Focus on Learning Outcomes EQF Learning Outcomes Non-Formal Learning Informal Learning Formal Learning
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of national authorities Commitments to link national qualifications to EQF Long term reform process Learning outcome-based qualifications? Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? National Framework of Qualifications?
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of national authorities Clear link between national qualifications and the EQF levels Self-certification Transparency of procedures Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? Publishing of results
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of sectoral stakeholders Sectors have expressed the need for a common reference point Focus on an outcomes and competence based approach Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? Invite sectors to link sectoral qualifications to EQF
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of sectoral stakeholders Facilitate sector internal competence developments Facilitate link between national and sectoral qualifications Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? Ongoing work in the ICT sector exemplifies this approach
Consultation Europe-wide consultation process from July to December 2005: 32 countries in ‘Education and Training 2010’ Bologna follow-up group European Social Partner organisations Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? Industry & sector organisations Education and training NGO’s
Next steps: Consultation — Results Input to drafting of Council and EP Recommendation in Spring 2006 Conference Budapest February 2006 to summarise input to consultation Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? September 2006: Adoption of Draft Recommendation by the Commission
Next steps: support to stakeholders Testing and experimentation in countries and sectors EU funding for testing (Leonardo call for proposals) Establishment of network on national and sectoral frameworks Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…??
Summary 8 common reference levels (learning outcomes) Common principles support EQF levels and provide guidelines for cooperation A range of tools and instruments for individuals Fine..perhaps a way to give it nicer look…?? Commitment from national and sectoral bodies