LESSON 4 Our Social Action.


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Presentation transcript:

LESSON 4 Our Social Action

How will we support our charity? Share Key Learning question with students. Students will address the core concept of ‘How can I make a difference?’. Students should review the different types of action they could take and plan a real out of classroom action that will support their charity/cause. The class’s social action will be described in each team’s presentation and makes up 50% of the judges’ marks at the Final. The social action planned and carried out can support citizenship action as part of the GCSE Citizenship curriculum. See the GCSE Citizenship links document to see the full mapping of the programme onto GCSE Citizenship.

16 Our class charity. We are going to create a class charity profile together using the charity website. Look at the website as a class and fill out the Class Charity Profile on page 16 of your coursebook. Teacher to pull up charity website so the class can fill out the above info in their Coursebooks page 16. This is a really important activity to motivate the whole class towards working together for this charity. On page 19 there are questions for when the charity comes to meet the class. If you haven’t already, please call the charity to ask them to come in for a 15-20 minute Q+A with the class as soon as possible (there is more guidance in the lesson 3 folder on this).

17 What is social action? Watch the video from the First Give assembly. This can be found in the lesson 4 folder, or on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/aefzqXJIoQg Click the image to play

What is social action? 17 Social action is: Practical action taken to make a positive change in society. For example, fundraising or raising awareness. Ask students for suggestions before revealing definition. Social action is “Practical action taken to make a positive change in society. For example fundraising or raising awareness”. During this programme they will do this by supporting local charities that are working to improve society in relation to particular social issues. They can do this by fundraising or taking an action to raise awareness or make a change.

What makes social action successful? 18 What makes social action successful? Read through both case studies and answer the questions on page 18 of your coursebook. Click the images to enlarge

20 Judges’ criteria: When the judges make their decision at the Final, 50% of the marks they award will be for your class’s social action. Keep this criteria in mind when planning your social action.

21 Our Aim: In groups, use the planner on page 21 to think about what you want to achieve. Our Planner: Once you know your aims, think about how you are going to work as a team to achieve it. Use the planner on page 22 of your coursebook. Be realistic and ask for help if you need it, and make sure you check your plan with your teacher before you start!

23 Stuck for ideas? These ideas have worked well in schools, but they should only be used if the students are struggling to come up with their own ideas. 10 marks will be available for the creativity and originality of the class’s social action at the Final!

24 project planning skills? leadership skills? teamwork skills?