BTEC Apprenticeships Understanding the Changes
Why BTEC Apprenticeships? So what is changing? New Apprenticeship frameworks Government Policy QCF SUMMARY SLIDE Introduce change to Pearson and why QCF: All vocational qualifications being reviewed / redeveloped for the QCF – ideal time to re-evaluate our offer Smaller units – opportunity for flexibility – added value – bite-sized learning Credit-based – excellent for progression and recognition of learning Funding: QCF – funding all quals, being revised – none seem to be going up Apprenticeships employer contributions going up, large employers further reductions Focus on 16-18, noticeable drop in funding 19+ and even further reduction for 25+ New Apprenticeship requirements: From April 6th 2011, all Apprenticeships will have to comply with the Specification for Apprenticeship Standards England Functional Skills, min credits, min GLH etc
Specification of Apprenticeship Standards in Wales (SASW) Summary of changes Blueprint SASW Not legislated Legislated Employer Rights and Responsibilities Employee Rights and Responsibilities NVQ Competence based qualifications Technical Certificate Knowledge based qualifications Key Skills Essential Skills Wales Summary of additions Highlights changes of Blueprint to SASE Knowledge and competence areas are integrated as part of SASE requirements ERR – Employees now assessed, must have evidence Competence based quals all now worth a min of 10 Credits Functional Skills – Please see FAQ doc (included in delegate pack) Summary of additions – go through titles, more detail in further sldies PLTS – in the framework from April 2011 Wider Key Skills QCF Credits On and off the job Integrated Qualifications 3
Policy Direction: What next? Streamlining ESTYN Apprenticeships Progression Demand Led/Outcome Led – Key tone from the government 9Getting people into employment) Streamlining – Vital for funding Apprenticeships – A lot of focus on Apprenticeships across government policy. If delegate is delivering Train to Gain they will need to look into Apprenticeships as a way forward. Progression – Clearer progression routes into Employment, Apprenticeships, Level 3 and Higher Apprenticeships. Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship
QCF Update Changes to sizing and titling Level Level Size ENTRY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Level QCF 1 – 12 credits 13 – 36 credits Above 36 credits Level AWARD DIPLOMA CERTIFICATE Size
QCF Update How the competence based qualifications fit in the framework Titling of new QCF competence based qualifications Edexcel documentation QCF fully operational by 1st January 2011 NQF NVQs – no accredited end date beyond 31st December 2010 Certification claims may be made up to the certification end date. Titling of new QCF competence based qualifications – sent through to you Edexcel documentation – New Specifications. XXX fully operational by 1st January 2011 / NQF NVQs – no accredited end date beyond 31st December 2010 / Certification claims may be made up to the certification end date
BTEC Apprenticeships Introduction Slide – CUT?
BTEC Apprenticeships are specifically designed to… 1 Remove the complexity 2 Add value for your learners 3 Reduce the administrative burden Remove the complexity – Approval and registration system is now a one click process (previously 3) Add Value for Your Learners – Support Materials & Workskills Reduce the Administrative burden – EPEN , 1 application form and information translates to other form – funding etc Raise Completion rates – currently around 70%. Functional Skills big Barrier. On Screen on demand System introduced. 4 Raise completion rates
BTEC quality, credibility and progression The key elements A seamless approach Recognising early achievement Technological Innovation Integrated knowledge and competence BTEC Apprenticeship Resources Essential Skills Added value bite-size qualifications Recognising early achievement – Workskills, 10 Credits, 3- different quals, motivational, £??? Technological Innovation – EPEN. Cost effective. Approx £200 per Pen, Cost/ Time effective Integrated Knowledge and Competence – BTEC Apprenticeship Resources – Workbook (+ supporting CD Rom) for knowledge and Competence based quals (manditory and most popular optional units) Functional Skills – can take test as many time as needed at no additional Fee. Added value bite-size qualifications - BTEC quality, credibility and progression The complete support package 9
A seamless approach Apprenticeships not qualifications Approvals Registrations Verification Apprenticeships not qualifications Single click for complete Apprenticeships Single Apprenticeship SV Record of Achievement Support Approvals / Registrations – canned Approach One Standards Verifier Co-ordinator Record of Achievement Support – Regional Account Manager / Standards Verifier / Workbooks BTEC Apprenticeship Resources Events
Recognising early achievement BTEC Workskills for Apprenticeships Accredited ERR, PLTS Motivated learners Integrated within workbooks Structured Induction Included within the BTEC Apprenticeship package Increased achievement by… Induction to Apprenticships, unit 1, is now valued at 10 credits Workskills are optional but can be integrated into your qualifications FREE - CHANGE
BTEC Workskills for Apprenticeships Level 3 Level 2 Award (4 Credits) - 501/1791/9 Extended Award (7 Credits) - 501/1792/0 Certificate (13 Credits) - 501/1795/6 Apprenticeship units covering: Preparation, ERR, career progression, safe learner, learning from others etc Award (4 Credits) - 501/1793/2 Extended Award (7 Credits) - 501/1790/7 Certificate (13 Credits) - 501/1794/4 Apprenticeship units covering: Preparation, ERR, career progression, safe learner, learning from others etc Level 2 – Progress options Level 3 – Progress routes
Technological Innovation The efficient use and entry of data is key in maximising funding and reducing errors Data Transfer Electronic-standards Certification Apprenticeship Certification Data
Integrated knowledge and competence components The competence and knowledge elements of an Apprenticeship are normally assessed separately, but: With streamlined, fit for purpose technical certificates, clearly underpinning competence Efficient method of assessing knowledge within an Apprenticeship, a single portfolio of evidence until now, which is time-consuming and in many cases unnecessary Now asses at the same time (Previously separate) Apprenticeship portfolio, tailored to learners’ job role To make this work, you need support…
BTEC Apprenticeship Assessment Workbook Full-colour learner workbook to prepare for, complete and log assessment for the complete BTEC Apprenticeship Full colour workbook Accompanying website Integrated, holistic tasks Multiple learning outcomes • is a full-colour, attractive workbook for the learner to prepare for, complete and log their assessment for the different parts of the Apprenticeship • comes with an accompanying website with downloadable optional units, editable versions of tasks, and interactive revision quizzes so learners can check their knowledge • is divided up into clear sections covering the competence (NVQ) and knowledge (Technical Certificate) elements, ERR and PLTS, and Functional Skills • supports the learner with a clear summary of each unit and what they’re required to know, and suggestions of how they can demonstrate evidence • includes official BTEC Apprenticeship tasks that the learner can complete to provide evidence for the Technical Certificate and ERR units • has evidence logbook pages that the learner can complete and get signed off by their assessor for each unit of the competence (NVQ) • is holistically structured with numerous opportunities to cover several outcomes at once across the competence (NVQ) and knowledge (Technical Certificate) elements, and progress through both components quickly and efficiently • has contextualised Functional Skills activities to help learners practise in a familiar setting as they prepare for the actual test. Mapped to Essential Skills Wales
BTEC Apprenticeship Delivery Guide Full-colour guide with information and examples on how to get the most out of BTEC Apprenticeships Clear guidance and support for providers CD-rom including specifications Information on all BTEC Apprenticeship components Best practice guide on holistic assessment Guidance on BTEC Workskills for Apprenticeships AVAILABLE AT THE SAME TIME AS WORKBOOKS – DATES TBC • give clear guidance and support for providers on delivering BTEC Apprenticeships • comprise a full-colour book with a CD-rom (containing the new specifications) for each main sector • include full information on each part of the BTEC Apprenticeship – the competence (NVQ) and knowledge (Technical Certificate) elements, Employee Rights and Responsibilities, PLTS and Functional Skills – and how they fit together • explain how to get the most from the new BTEC Apprenticeship specifications themselves • give you best practice guidance on how to deliver BTEC Apprenticeships most successfully: how to deliver assessment and collect evidence effectively, including opportunities for holistic delivery • explain the progression routes in and out of Apprenticeships • give guidance on using the BTEC Apprenticeship Skills qualification where appropriate.
Essential Skills Wales 3 2 At Levels 1-4, 6 credits carried by each Essential Skills Wales qualification (60 learning hours) 1 Essential Skills Wales: Assessed using portfolio of work – mapped progression through levels All Apprenticeship frameworks include Essential Skills Wales (Since September 2010) On Screen on Demand – April 2011 Key Skills no longer accredited in Wales. Existing Key Skills may either continue for one year if registered, or transfer to Essential Skills Wales
Added value bite-size qualifications Comprehensive menu of bite-sized qualifications that integrate within BTEC Apprenticeships Tailor your offer to meet learners’ needs Flexibility for engaging with employers Price bundled within BTEC Apprenticeships Identified within published resources To meet Learners needs MORE INFO RE EMPTY UNITS Sustainability Skills, Workskills, ESOL, Money Skills
BTEC Apprenticeships are specifically designed to… 1 Remove the complexity 2 Add value for your learners 3 Reduce the administrative burden Remove the complexity – Approval and registration system is now a one click process (previously 3) Add Value for Your Learners – Support Materials & Workskills Reduce the Administrative burden – EPEN , 1 application form and information translates to other form – funding etc Raise Completion rates – currently around 70%. Functional Skills big Barrier. On Screen on demand System introduced. 4 Raise completion rates