JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey, Ed.D. 7th Edition Take Hold of Your Future Session 3: Personal Skills for the 21st Century JoAnn Harris-Bowlsbey, Ed.D.
Objectives At the end of this session, students will be able to: List and define at least six critical soft skills needed in the 21st century workplace. Assess their level of accomplishment of the personal skills included in this chapter. Make an action plan for improvement. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 3-2
Self-Management Skills Honesty and integrity. Self-motivation. Attendance/punctuality. Time management. Dependability. Working under pressure. Positive attitude. Common sense. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 3-3
Additional Soft Skills Communication Skills Oral communication. Written communication. E-mail communication. Listening. Sensitivity to Diversity Leadership Skills Leadership. Decision making. Consistency and fairness. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 3-4
Soft Skills Rating Sheet Instructions Rate yourself on a five-point scale on each of the soft skills described in this chapter by circling a number across from each below. No one else will see your ratings. This activity will only be used for class discussion and as a basis for an action plan that you will develop. For each, use the following rating scale: 5 = My skill is very high in this area. 4 = My skill is higher than average in this area. 3 = My skill is average in this area. 2 = My skill is below average in this area. 1 = My skill is poor in this area. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 3-5
Soft Skills Action Plan Look at the ratings that you gave yourself on the Soft Skills Rating Sheet. In the spaces below, write the names of the skills that you rated either 1 or 2. (If you did not rate any this low, then list the three skills that you think need improvement.) Under each skill write down three ways that you will plan to improve each skill. Take Hold of Your Future 7th Edition 3-6