Mangrove Swamps
Distribution Mangroves are present from 30°N to 40°S, virtually circling the globe Thought to have first evolved in SE Asia Mangrove swamps occur along shallow ocean shorelines and estuaries Examples in the US can be found from Florida westward to Texas
Benefits of a Mangrove Swamp Provides structure to prevent erosion Structure also serves as nursery areas for many fish and animal species as well as crabs and shrimp Acts as filtration system for runoff and river drainage Mangrove trees can provide essential products for developing countries
Current Status of Mangrove Swamps Mangrove swamps are on the decline – 32% reduction in total acreage in the last 20 years If the current rate of decline is allowed to continue, all the mangroves will be gone within 50 years Major factors for the decline: Coastal development Ignorance of the importance of the ecosystem they create Pollution, especially petrol-chemical Increased hurricanes and tsunamis