Trainer of Trainers (ToT) Workshop 2 11/15/2018 Trainer of Trainers (ToT) Workshop 2 Empowering Students to Think and Learn Using the Depth & Complexity Framework (Sequential Workshop Suite) WORKSHOP 2: Depth & Complexity Framework Differentiation
Iterative Process ANALOGY PROMPT 11/15/2018 Iterative Process ANALOGY PROMPT Each member of the group writes a noun on a sticky note and places it face down on the table. Stand, circle the table, when I say stop, pick up the sticky note closest to you. Write an analogy: The iterative process is like (noun) because . . . 5 min. Bullets Share your analogies with your table. Pick two from the group you think capture the escense of the iterative process the best. Combine tables and share the two. Choose one. Share with the larger group. 15 min. total 2
Analyze Learning Experience 1 11/15/2018 Analyze Learning Experience 1 RSQC As a group: Review the script for the most important ideas about DOK and rank them in order of their importance. 10 min. Summarize those ideas into one single sentence or word. 5 min. Question—write on sticky notes 1-3 unanswered questions you have about DOK. 5 min. Post on chart paper. Connect DOK to one of the goals of the workshop series. 1 min. DOK 30 min. total 10 min. Chart paper Summaries and connections made by each group. Ask for restraining forces. 3
11/15/2018 Learning Experience 2 Put 5 Content Imperative Cards face down on the table and mix up. Draw one card. Everyone at the table writes a task or question about one of the random topics on the screen using the Content Imperative card. Share Repeat with another card and another set of random topics. 25 min. 4
11/15/2018 Q and A for DOK 10-20 min. Solicit responses to the unanswered questions they posted. 5
11/15/2018 10 m9n. 6
11/15/2018 Intersections Which Depth & Complexity prompts and Content Imperatives pair well as intersections? Write generic Q3 cards as intersections. Singletons Sets Intersections 30 min. The effect or influence one prompt has on another 7
11/15/2018 10 min. 8
Learning Experience 3 SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE 11/15/2018 Learning Experience 3 SQUARE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE SQUARE: What concepts or strategies about assessments agreed with you? TRIANGLE: What pointed out or stood out about assessments? CIRCLE: What is still circling or processing in your head about assessments? 9
11/15/2018 Resources 10 min. 10
11/15/2018 Gallery Walk 20 min. In what ways could parents contribute to the implementation of DCF? How might educators best involve parents in the DCF? How will you guide students to share the DCF with their parents? What parallels exist between thinking at home and in the classroom? As a parent, what unanswered questions might you have about DCF? What effects might knowing the details of DCF have on parent perspectives about standards? 11
Synthesis: Tiered Instruction 11/15/2018 Synthesis: Tiered Instruction CREATE A MINDMAP Center: Tiered Instruction Required Branches DOK Content Imperatives Assessment Thoughtfully synthesize all the components of the Depth & Complexity Framework that contribute to tiered instruction 12
Restraining Forces Designate restraining forces on your Mind Map. 11/15/2018 Restraining Forces Designate restraining forces on your Mind Map. Discuss how you will unlock those restraining forces. 13
Implementation Plan When do you plan to fly this plane? 11/15/2018 Implementation Plan When do you plan to fly this plane? What support do you need to get if off the ground? 14
Evaluate 11/15/2018 Take survey 15