ThE Research Paper
Choosing a Topic As your syllabus states, we will be writing a research paper for this class. This will essentially be a short (7 page minimum) research paper, using a minimum of 7 sources.
What is our Topic? For this assignment, you will choose your own topic based on our course theme (social improvement focusing on poverty).
How do I come up with a Topic? First, consider some ways that our society could be improved in terms of how we could alleviate poverty. Some examples might include advocating for or against welfare reform or for or against offering free college tuition for public colleges and universities. Next, select one of the ideas for social improvement that you’ve come up with, and write your own essay question. For example, “Should colleges in the United States be Tuition-Free?” Your thesis, then, would be the answer to this question.
What do I do once I think I have a topic? When you have a topic, the best thing to do would be to come up with a few more potential topics. Why should anyone do this? Students do this because if a topic doesn’t work out, they have alternate topics.
Activity: Do some brainstorming and write down three topics that you are thinking of doing for this assignment. Try to develop a thesis statement for each. Then, turn them in for approval on September 18th (a week from today), circling the one that you would most like to write about.