January 29, 2018- Turn in homework to my table January 29, 2018- Turn in homework to my table. No LATE work will be accepted! Agenda: Turn in DPS movie questions Turn in character project If you have not turned in your project, complete it NOW!!! Independent reading if you are a good student and everything is complete.
January 30, 2018 Warm-Up Agenda Take a Walk… Essential Question: Where is the individual closest to the divine?? Warm-Up Agenda On a separate sheet of paper– (get one from the drawer if you don’t have any) Write your name & today’s date at the top of the page. Write one paragraph ( 5- 7 sentences) describing your current mood. What are your current thoughts, how are you feeling? Why are you feeling this way? Take a Walk…
Are you a transcendentalist?? January 30, 2018 Cont'd Are you a transcendentalist?? Skip 2 lines under your paragraph you already wrote about your mood. Describe your mood now. What are your thoughts and feelings?? Why are you feeling this way? Skip 2 lines—Did your mood change after walking outside? How and why did it change? Describe what happened. On your phone/ipad – go to http://www.ushistory.org/us/26f.asp Read what it says about Transcendentalism Write about …. Are you a transcendentalist?? How much of that philosophy aligns with your own philosophy? Answer the EQ: Where is the individual closest to the divine??
Remember to bring your IRP book to class every day! If you want your thankful project, pick it up today! January 31, 2018 Essential Question: How much of one’s values must one compromise to live in society? Warm-Up Agenda What is your motto? Words that you live by. Write it on an index card— legibly—make it look neat and decorative (if you like that kind of thing). Turn it in & I am going to post them on the back board. Complete Opinionnaire Transcendentalist Challenge Assignment – Part 1 DUE: Monday, February 5, 2018 Discuss Transcendental Background Read Self-Reliance (page 370) with a partner and complete diagram
Elements of Transcendentalism Detailed Summary Elements of Transcendentalism Impact Quote & Explanation Connections – write two connections that you and your partner make with the poem. They can be text to self, text to text or text to world. 2 New Vocabulary – defined using the synonym and visuals that help you remember what they mean YOU MUST INCLUDE ONE VISUAL THAT REPRESENTS THE MEANING OF SELECTION SOMEWHERE ON YOUR POSTER.
Remember to bring your IRP book to class every day! January 31, 2018 Essential Question: How much of one’s values must one compromise to live in society? Warm-Up Agenda In your composition book: Answer the essential question in a minimum of 5 sentences. Poem annotation and analysis Explain the assignment Read the poems one time through as a class Choose your poem to analyze and write about Begin working
Remember to bring your IRP book to class every day! February 1, 2018 Essential Question: How much of one’s values must one compromise to live in society? Warm-Up Agenda In your composition book: Answer the essential question in a minimum of 5 sentences. Poem annotation and analysis Explain the assignment Read the poems one time through as a class Choose your poem to analyze and write about Begin working
February 2, 2018 ~Independent Reading Essential Question: How does regular reading for pleasure improve your learning? Agenda Warm-Up Make a t-chart in your composition book like the one below: List the characters you encounter in your reading today Write a brief description about the character Put a star by the character that you connect with the most Write the page numbers that you read today at the bottom of the page. Get your IRP book out and a sheet of paper Be ready to read Name of Character Description Announcement: TSIA Test Prep tomorrow 11am – 1:45pm at San Jac- Central Campus EXTRA CREDIT if you show proof that you attended!