A commonplace book is… a book in which common-places, or notable or striking passages are noted; a book in which things especially to be remembered or referred to are recorded.
History of its Use The use of the commonplace book dates back to ancient Greek and Roman times. It’s a “place” for students to write thoughts on various topics…somewhat like blogging…but in a permanent place.
Is it like a personal journal? NO! A personal journal is for private thoughts, but a commonplace book is for public viewing. Students share ideas, drawings or artifacts in a group setting. At the end of the school year, everyone will have accumulated all of these.
What type of book is needed? A composition book with pages sewn is required. NO SPIRALS!!!!
Sections are as follows Pages in your book Sections are as follows Tab One – 2 pages for your “Writing Territories” These are topics that you may write about. They may include memories, favorites, pet peeves, wonderful people etc.
Tab Two- 40 pages “English Class” for responses to poems, quotes, artwork, current articles, read alouds or journal topics. Tab Three- 20 pages “Words Words Words” This includes new words, phrases, expressions that fascinate you both in and out of class…in other classes, in life experiences, from TV, from signs. Any language!!!
Tab Four- 30 pages“Just Me” This is where you take ownership of the topics – response to a movie, video game, TV show, book. You may include personal drawings, poetry, responses to teen issues. Remember this is a book for public viewing, so be careful! It’s like posting on the internet!
Tab Five – 3 pages “My class” The end of the book is for signatures from teacher and classmates.