UKSim2018 Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference 20th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation 27 – 29 March 2018 Emmanuel College, Cambridge Words of thanks Conferences coming up This conference
Thanks are due to Reviewers, track teams and Authors from all countries including (country of 1st author): UK-9, India-3, USA-2, Turkey-2, Italy-2, one each from: Austria, Brazil, China, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Norway, Pakistan, Senegal, UAE. Total 33 papers from 20 countries. EUROSIM and its national societies for active support and participation IEEE: UK & RI & chairman Prof Frank Wang for support and technical sponsorship, Region 8 and Region 10 for supporting the event and UKSim activities in general Asia Modelling and Simulation Section, UMP, UMS, UTM, KMUT and other universities in South East Asia for active sponsorship and support. Keynote speakers: Prof Frank Wang, Prof Qiang Shen, Prof Jon Platts, Prof Kelvin Donne.
Conferences Coming up this year ISMS2018: Intelligent Systems, Modelling & Simulation, 8 – 11 May, Kuala Lumpur/Bangkok, deadline 1 April CIMSIM2018: Computational Intelligence, Modelling & Simulation, 18 - 19 September, Kuantan, Malaysia, deadline 1 August EMS2018: European Modelling Symposium 2018, 22 – 23 October, Madrid or UK, deadline 10 September AMS2018: Asia Modelling Symposium 2018, 15 – 16 November, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, deadline 1 October CICSYN18: 3 - 6 December, Kuala Lumpur/Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, TBC, deadline 1 November
UKSim2018 Pattern for the 3 days: Refreshments: Old Library Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Meals: Dining Hall. Parallel Sessions: Room A: here, B: Harrods (top floor), 4 Keynote speakers, 2 in day-1, 1 in day-2 and day-3. Day-1 Today: full day, 2 parallel sessions, till 5pm Prof Frank Wang + Prof Qiang Shen +14 papers Day-2 Presentations in morning only, 2 parallel sessions Prof Jon Platts + 9 papers 2.30 Cambridge tour (a must!!) 7.00 Conference Dinner, Fellows Breakfast Room Day-3 Presentations in morning only, 2 parallel sessions Prof Kelvin Donne + 10 papers Closing remarks in Auditorium, photo session, lunch, depart
UKSim2018 Published Papers Statistics Papers published: 33 Scheduled for presentation: 4 keynote speakers and 33 papers Published papers by track: most popular tracks: W+X Internet/Semantic web, Mobile/Ad hoc wireless networks 7 7 A+B+F Neural, Fuzzy Networks, Bioinformatics and Bioeng’ing 4 4 K+M+P Intelligent & Intelligence Systems and Robotics 4 S Image, Speech and Signal Processing 4 Z Circuits, Sensors and Devices 4 H+J Data/Semantic Mining & Emergent Technologies 3 3 Q+R Methodologies, Discrete Event and Real Time Systems 3 T+U Industry, Business, Energy, Power, Transport, Logistics 2 2 Y Performance Engineering of Computer/Communication Systems 2 Total 33
UKSim2018 Day-1 Keynote Speakers 1 & 2 + 14 papers 9.10 – 10.25am: Keynote Speaker-1, Prof Frank Wang: Brain and Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence 10.25 – 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 – 12.25pm, 7 papers Room-A: A1, A2, B1, F1 Room-B: H2, J1, S1 12.30 – 1.40 Lunch 1.45 – 3pm: keynote Speaker-2, Prof Qiang Shen: Feature Selection in Systems Modelling with Imprecise Data 3 – 3.20 Tea Break 3.20 – 5.00pm, 7 papers Room-A: K1, K2, P1, T1 Room-B: H1, R1, R2
UKSim2018 Day-2 Keynote Speaker-3 + 9 papers 9.10 – 10.25am: Keynote Speaker, Prof Jon Platts: Lessons Learnt in Delivering Complex, Science Based, Large-Scale Synthetic Environment Trials 10.25 – 10.45: Coffee break 10.45 – 12.25: 9 papers Room-A Q1, Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 Room-B U1, W1, Y1, Y2 12.25: Close of day-2, photo opportunity & Lunch 2.30: Cambridge Tour 7pm: Conference Dinner
UKSim2018 Day-3 Keynote Speaker-4 + 10 papers 9.10 – 10.25am: Keynote Speaker, Prof Kelvin Donne : Cross Disciplinary Simulation Studies 10.25 – 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 – 12.25: 10 papers Room-A S2, S3, S4, X1, X2 Room-B M1, X3, X4, X5, X6 12.25: Close of conference, photo opportunity, Lunch and depart
Keynote Speaker-1: Professor Frank Wang Deep Learning Computer for Modern Simulation & Modelling Fellow of British Computer Society Chair in e-Science and Grid Computing Head: School of Computing (formerly known as Computing Laboratory), University of Kent, UK. Director: Centre for Grid Computing, Cambridge-Cranfield High Performance Computing Facility (CCHPCF), collaborative research facility Universities of Cambridge and Cranfield, ~ £40 million. Research interests: Future Computing, Green Computing (via memristor), Grid/Cloud Computing, Biologically-inspired Computing, Quantum Computing/Communication, Data Storage & Data Communication, and Data Mining and Data Warehousing Publication: book "Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing", 67+ journal papers Co-Editor-in-Chief of Encyclopaedia of Grid Computing Co-Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing. on the Editorial Board of 4 other international journals.
Keynote Speaker-2: Professor Qiang Shen Dynamic Interpolative Modelling and its Application to Network Security PhD in Knowledge-Based Systems, DSc in Computational Intelligence. . Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at Aberystwyth University, a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales, a REF 2014 panel member for Computer Science and Informatics, and a long-serving Associate Editor of two IEEE flagship Journals (IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics and on Fuzzy Systems). . Professor Shen has chaired and given keynotes at numerous international conferences. His current research interests include: computational intelligence, reasoning under uncertainty, pattern recognition, data mining, and their applications for intelligent decision support (e.g., crime detection, consumer profiling, systems monitoring, and medical diagnosis). . Authored 2 research monographs and over 350 peer-reviewed papers, including an award-winning IEEE Outstanding Transactions paper. . Director of studies: > 50 PDRAs/PhDs, one UK Distinguished Dissertation Award winner.
Keynote Speakers –3: Professor Jon Platts Lessons Learnt in Delivering Complex, Science Based, Large-Scale Synthetic Environment Trials Dean of the Cardiff School of Technologies at Cardiff Metropolitan University and Professor of Autonomous Systems. Royal Air Force and industry R & D. Commercial success in own company Muretex, research grant funding,- latest: Innovate UK funding for Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Wide International contacts and reach, 2 European research action groups over 8 years NATO lecture series on autonomy 13 years Head of Autonomy for QinetiQ, research programmes, co-ordinating multi-organisation teams: QinetiQ, Dstl, BAE Systems, Thales UK, Military & Academia Output: design and deliver large scale research: both flight and synthetic trials Flight trials over Dartmoor: single seat fast jet pilot controlled 4 drones (1 live, 3 synthetic) on an attack mission, high levels of autonomy, leading QinetiQs autonomous systems offering into the UKs Taranis stealthy Unmanned Combat Air System demonstrator. Currently: lead ambitious multi-million pound Cardiff School of Technologies launch and development, to further establish Cardiff Metropolitan University as a world leader within the tech industry School to recruit 2,000 new students by 2024 to address employment needs of South Wales: data science, cyber security, mobile computing, artificial intelligence and systems engineering. BEng in Electrical/Electronic Eng’g, University of Bradford, MSc in Aero-systems Eng’g: Loughborough University, PhD in Self organising fuzzy logic: Loughborough University Fellow IET, member: Institution of Measurement & Control, International Council of Systems Engineering.
Keynote Speaker-4: Prof Kelvin Donne : Simulation Strategies for Tissue Photonics - Professorial Fellow at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David - previously Faculty Dean and Associate Pro Vice Chancellor - published over 70 papers - has supervised over 20 PhD students mainly in the area of computational physics. - his main areas of research are tissue photonics and automotive glass fracture.
EUROSIM – Federation of European Simulation Societies Access Details for Individual Members of UKSim Society Username: uksim-member Password: uk2017sim Access to enhanced publication versions of Proceedings and Abstract Volumes of EUROSIM Congresses and Conferences. SNE WEB: EUROSIM WEB: Access to high resolution colour SNE (Simulation News Europe) and additional information.
UKSim2018 Thank you and have a good conference!!