April 11-12, 2018 Objectives: Answer multiple choice questions for a dramatic passage. Analyze dramatic and poetic texts for characterization, tone, and rhetorical choices. Catalyst: Reading check: when you finish, vote for our board title! Homework & Reminders: Prepare for the in-class Q3 timed writing LAST PERRINE’S READING! Handout for guidance on Google Classroom. Due 4.17/4.18. King Lear assessment 4.25/4.26
Poetry analysis: “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes (15 mins.) Read/annotate the poem In Google Classroom, respond to the following prompt in a well-developed paragraph: How does Hughes develop the poem’s message through a specific figurative device?
Today’s Motif: What’s the leader’s place. 1 Today’s Motif: What’s the leader’s place? 1. Discussion: King Lear Acts I/II 2. Poetry composition: “On Reading Poems to a Senior Class at South High” by D. C. Berry 3. Multiple choice practice: excerpt from Oedipus the King
Discussion: King Lear Acts I/II
Read/annotate the poem Poetry analysis: “On Reading Poems to a Senior Class at South High” by D. C. Berry Read/annotate the poem In Google Classroom, respond to the following prompt in a well-developed paragraph: How does Berry’s extended metaphor develop the message of the poem?
Dramatic excerpt: Oedipus the King multiple choice Read/annotate the excerpt. Answer questions 443-456. 13 mins.