Do Now Pick up article and read
Now we know your Martian name You have landed on earth and seen all the problems we Earthlings face How will you solve these problems On your poster you will draw how you will change the world for the better
News Report Get out your journals listen to the report Connection Paper How can you look at this news Report with a different perspective? What do you think we mean by ‘different perspectives’? Give some examples. Share with a partner Turn in
Objective “I understand what ‘thinking differently’, means, and how this fits into TOK.” 1.Poetry 2. Maps 3. Clocks
Poems That Evoke TOK Read the Poems in Silence (2-4 minutes) We will read aloud (one stanza per person) Get with a partner One will be "the scribe," and one will be "the spokesperson." Stay on task because the order you will be called upon to report back in the public arena will not be revealed in advance.. The following question should be addressed.
With a Partner 4 minutes to discuss with a partner 1. What are some of the TOK-relevant ideas conveyed in these extracts? 2. In particular what is Stevens saying about the human encounter with "things exactly as they are"? Is this trivial or important for the knowing quest?
We Are Smart Apes We are very smart, very social, very communicative primates, but primates nevertheless. Since we were born almost entirely helpless, we had a great deal to learn and we benefited from extensive parental care. Even minimal nurturing interactions, essential for mere survival as an infant, ensure that any given human individual has experienced formative learning in a specific linguistic, historical and social context and—only too literally—has lived to tell the tale!
HARRY HARLOW’S MONKEYS To what extent does sense perception and emotion influence human development? (KQ)
In Media Res We live in the interim between the contingency of birth and the certainty of death. Randomly, we have been tossed into a specific period and place. We do not choose our particular geographic, historic, linguistic, cultural or socio-economic backdrop. In short we find ourselves in medias res—already in the thick of the action. This has an interesting, double-edged, consequence. We must recognize that we are both capable and fallible—metaphorically, “higher than beasts but lower than angels.”
The third thinking skill of tok Thinking Critically Thinking Authoritatively THINKING DIFFERENTLY
Activity Make sure you have a blank sheet and a pen or dark pencil. Write your name, age, ethnicity, gender, at the top of the paper. When the class is ready, read and follow these instructions:
Ready? You have 10 minutes to draw, as accurately and completely as you can, a map of the world. Don't waste time telling yourself that you can't. Just do your best and discover what you carry (or don't carry) in your mind as your picture of the world. You will not be marked or otherwise judged on the accuracy of the results. When you have finished, be prepared to show the results to others in the class.
Group Discusssion If your maps are different from others, can you suggest reasons? What part of the world is in the center of your map? What parts of the world have you drawn in greatest detail? What parts of the world have you drawn in little detail or left out? How do you account for the knowledge gaps in your maps? Does your map reveal any assumptions about particular countries which other students do not make?
KQ How does history, math, and your identity affect the way you map (perceive, interpret, understand) the world around you?
Knowledge Question Can poetry help us better understand ourselves and our experiences? Or is it simply a source of pleasure? Turn and Talk and share out
Design task Design a clock/watch. It should tell the time in a completely different way, and should not be built on any assumptions of how a clock should work. 15 minutes
Why didn’t your design look like this?
The third thinking skill of TOK 3. Thinking differently (in terms of different perspectives and originality)
Exit Ticket Watch the Apple ad Identify some of the people involved, and why they appear. How does the ad capture the ‘spirit’ of TOK?