What’s in Your Menu? SMI – the “other” Review Read slide - (Emphasis) = “other “ & (Say in the style of the commerial What’s in your wallet? = “What’s in your menu? ” “Yes, as we stated before, there are two distinct reviews with Child Nutrition Programs happening at the same time, together. This is the review where we do an nutrition evaluation or nutrient analysis on your menu. Click to next slide
Dietary Guidelines for Americans ? Does Your Menu Meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans ? Federal Nutrition Standards : Calories (KCAL) Protein Calcium Iron Vitamin A Vitamin C Saturated Fat < 30% of total KCAL Total Fat < 10% of total KCAL Oregon State Recommendation Limits: Cholesterol 100mg ↓ Sodium 1200mg ↓ Fiber 1 gram/100 KCAL ↑ ⅓ RDAS for Lunch Read slide = first text box Point at the areas that of which you are talking about as you state below: “The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is the foundation from which the Federal Nutrition Standards for School Nutrition Programs have been built. And will continue to be with the new proposed meal plan based on the newer Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2010), IF you want to add: “that is what the IOM recommendations comes from” “The state of Oregon had gone further and set specified recommendation limits on the Cholesterol, Sodium and Fiber.” “Except for the Saturated and Total Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium, the federal requirements are minimums to reach ⅓ of the recommended daily allowances for lunch. And that is all we are looking at this year , your lunch menu. When we do the analysis on your menu, all nutrients are averaged over the entire SMI week, using weighted averages. “ “No worries, you don’t have to memorize the amounts, we will show you how you did and what to do to improve it!” Click to next slide
Which Menu ? Lunch Only SMI Week – is 1 week (beginning – end) 4-7 days, School or RCCI week During same week of the CRE/SMI On-Site Review Based on 1 of the reviewed site’s menu “Currently , we are only evaluating the nutrient levels of 1 week of your lunch menus. “ “Let me repeat, lunch only is all we will be doing an nutrient analysis on and only for the 1 week that falls on the on-site review .” “When we schedule your review with you, we will work together with you to select the site for doing the SMI on.” Click to next slide
What do I need to do for this review? Collect Materials Collect Materials Collect Materials Collect Materials Collect Materials We will move on, I think the point is made. (: Click to next slide Collect Materials Collect Materials
All Meal Plans Collect Materials for SMI week: Menu Production Records – After meal service Condiments used Recipes Nutrition Facts Labels “These are the document we need for regardless of which meal plans you are using. You do not need to write this down as we will send you a packet with SMI collection material forms and instructions for both Menu Planning. So we need: One – the menu that includes the SMI week ‘s Lunch from the SMI site selected. Two - Actual Production Records used in the kitchen And only for SMI week every condiment used from ketchup down to the Salad Dressings, even if it is one packet needs to be recorded. So that means All condiments regardless how small and how much was actually used for SMI week only. This means keeping track how much you put out, you can weigh/measure the amount put out for service and then weigh/measure the amount left over after meal service and the difference is the amount used. Hold up the condiment recording form in front of the class “For Traditional Food Based we provide a condiment recording form you may choose to use or if there is room you may put it all on the production record Three - Recipes for all scratch cooking and entrees with two or more components or food items touching. Four – Nutrition Facts Labels for all mixed processed foods you used in the week of the SMI review of Lunches.
Production Records Complete? All food items served listed? Portion sizes stated? Total Food Quantities specified? Number of students planned indicated? Actual Condiments Used (SMI only) Click once for emphasis on Complete. Read Slide
Recipes Specify all ingredient s Specify amounts Portion Size Yield = # of Servings Total Quantity of Each Ingredient USDA recipe? = only need number on the Production Record OR If not followed exactly , copy recipe and write in changes. Read Slide Give two examples for each point: By the way we provide recipe forms in the SMI packet you will receive with the Here I come letter. on the recipe
Copies of actual label off package = accepted NUTRITION FACTS Labels Copies of actual label off package = accepted Name of Product “What is the nutrition facts label?” “Is it the UPC code?” ….wait for audience to answer = NO “Is it the CN label you need for CRE review? “ …. wait for audience to answer = NO Click (Entrance of the Nutrition Facts label) This is the label we need for any mixed processed product including divert commodities. Does anyone here divert some of their USDA food Entitlement? By the way, what is this product? …wait for audience Then click (Name of Product Entrance) Name of Product would be appreciated! (: Mention That they do not need label for standards of identity Not needed for Brown Box Commodities (USDA FOODS) but is needed for Diverted Commodities (USDA FOODS)
Working with your table: Activity - SMI –A Day in the Review Week Working with your table: Imagine you are working on a day in the SMI review week, before and after the meal service. Review what you have done so far and sticky note or make a list of what you need to complete for the SMI you have in your file folder for the day. Read slide - (Emphasis) = “other “ & (Say in the style of the commerial What’s in your wallet? = “What’s in your menu? ” “Yes, as we stated before, there are two distinct reviews with Child Nutrition Programs happening at the same time, together. This is the review where we do an nutrition evaluation or nutrient analysis on your menu. Click to next slide