Marine Research Technical Services MMRI Advisory Board Meeting Steven Tidwell MMRI Advisory Board Meeting February 6, 2015 UMMC
ISpider Six cameras for reconnaissance High output LED lights USBL Tracking Sonar for obstacle recognition and target aquisition Altimeter Topside-triggered release for targeted placement of instruments on seafloor
ISpider Auxiliary fiber optic connection for scientific payloads Secondary bottle with three extra camera channels
ISpider Targeted placement of instruments on seafloor
ISpider Recovery of instruments from the seafloor
ISpider System can be adapted and attached to many different instruments, such as multi-corers
ISpider HD Camera System through auxiliary fiber
SSD Station Service Device ROV designed for the placement of instruments on the seafloor and collection of cores and other samples
SSD Five-Function manipulator Three Cameras Optional Second Claw Scanning Sonar USBL Positioning Battery Power on Descent Cage
SSD Can be used in the recovery of lost instruments or vehicles
Ispider/SSD By combining the Ispider and the SSD, 6 additional camera channels can be viewed during ROV operations
Ispider/SSD By combining the Ispider and the SSD, 6 additional camera channels can be viewed during ROV operations
Ispider/SSD By combining the Ispider and the SSD, ROV operations are able to be viewed in third person
Landers Custom built platforms for the delivery of scientific instruments to the seafloor
Landers Can also be used to tow and place arrays on the seafloor
Current Landers Designed for ECOGIG to replace the older, larger landers. The new landers have a much smaller footprint and do not require a ROV to be recovered.
Current Landers
Current Landers
Current Landers
Current Landers
Thank You Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute 111 Brevard Hall University, Mississippi 38677 Ph: 662-281-8460