The Boogie Woogie Ghost Words and music by Nadine M.Peglar PPT by Nancy Jolley
There was a ghost On Halloween, He really made the Ghostie scene. He was the Boogie-Woogie Ghost, He was the ghostie with the most.
And when the kiddies came around, He’d give out with a ghostly sound, He’d go, “Boo-oo-oo-oo-ooo.”
He’d go out spooking late at night, and giving everyone a fright.
He know some witches, Two or three And they would all go on a spree.
And when the morning came around, he’d give one last mysterious sound,
He’d go “Bo-oo-oo-oo-ooo.””
Though he really wasn’t very spooky, Kids all thought that he was Rather cool. Even though he was a little Kooky. He was just a special ghoul.
When you’re out on Halloween and He appears upon the scene. Don’t give a scream and run away. Just ask him if he’ll stay and play.
You’ll like the Boogie-Woogie Ghost, He’ll be the one you dig the most You’ll love his Boo-oo-oo-oo-ooo.