Welcome! BI Executive Sponsors December 18, 2015 Business Intelligence @ University of Wisconsin Wisconsin Welcome! BI Executive Sponsors December 18, 2015
Agenda Welcome and Check-in Refresher BI Software Purchased Project Goals and Objectives CSRG Base BI Budget Team roles/responsibilities Introduction of New Data Structures BI Software Purchased Agenda ‘New BI Tool Day’ Project Planning Status Results Staffing Resources Assessment Impacts on Project Plans, Training, Timeline CSRG Budget Requests Preview Thoughts on New BI Initiative Budget
Refresher – Project Goals and Objectives Interactive Reporting Out of Support by CSRG 6/2017; Oracle 4/2018 (BTW, IR is ‘fragile”) Project Goal – ‘migrate’ Workspace content and users from IROBIEE HRS Shared Queries – Funded by CSRG Campuses’ Student Queries funded by each campus FY 16 Budget covers Software purchase/hardware/maintenance Shared query conversion System Admin Training system/campus admins; two authors/campus Project Coordination and Management Number of Users Over Last Year by Campus Responsibility of Campuses Assessment/conversion of queries/reports/jobs Embedded in conversion is creation of semantic layer Training of ad hoc query writers Training of users of new system
CSRG BI Base Budget – FY17-20 Software Hardware Software maintenance System Administrator Implementation Consulting Project Coordination/Management Conversion shared queries Training system/campus admins and two technical staff per campus
Refresher – Teams Roles and Responsibilities BI Executive Sponsors BI Project Coordinators Ultimately responsible for securing spending authority and resources for the project. Ideally, should be the highest-ranking manager possible, in proportion to the project size and scope. Vocal and visible champion, legitimizes the project’s goals and objectives, keeps abreast of major project activities, and is the ultimate decision-maker for the project. Provides support for the Project Coordinator and has final approval of all scope changes, and signs off on approvals to proceed to each succeeding project phase. Serve as member of BI implementation team Identification of the campus BI administrator Identification of two technical developers for training Communicate with and coordinate training of campus Workspace users to ensure their understanding, support, commitment, and action during this transition Communicate with and coordinate training of the ad hoc IR users to ensure their understanding, support, commitment, and action regarding their own local/specialized queries. Review, access convert/consolidate/eliminate campus specific queries/reports to the new BI tool.
Refresher - Challenges: UW System Transition from Interactive Reporting to New BI Tool 11/15/201812/
New Tool Selected Components - OBIEE 12c - Endeca - BICS Email sent to - BI Executive Sponsors - BI Project Coordinators - BI Core Team
Last meeting identified . . . Executive Sponsors work with BI Project Coordinators on communication plan Project Planning Team work with vendor to Develop project plan including milestones Develop timeline Understand initial training who, on what, when . . . . . . Develop BI CSRG budget request to mitigate risks identified by Executive Sponsors
Project Planning Status Executive Sponsor – David Stack Governance Body - BI Executive Committee Project Coordinator – Kathy Luker Project Manager – Mark Treiber Training Partner – Maverick Solutions Planning Team Kathy Luker/Dan Koetke Mark Treiber Mike Vavrus/Tim Lehman Bob Turner/Christine Peterson Robert Flum Next Steps Project Charter Develop Project Plan Develop Timeline Benchmark/Best Practices Research
Benchmarking Best Practices Institutions in PeopleSoft, already transitioned from IR OBIEE Ohio State University Cornell University University of Minnesota University of Arizona University of California, Berkeley Harvard University Stanford University University of Pittsburgh The Pennsylvania State University Lone Star College System Florida State University Emory University New York University University of Massachusetts System
Risks Identified by Executive Sponsors
Mitigating Risk New BI Initiative Funding ? Immediate Need Campuses Training beyond FY16 Dimensional Data Modeling, Semantic Data Layer Development Expertise Immediate Need Campuses Identify Key Technical Staff to be trained Campus Admin includes repository management Campus Admins Needed for Madison River Falls Oshkosh Stevens Point Early training in February: Dimensional Modeling (3 day) OBIEE Repository and Security Management (4 day)
Optimum Training Order Adopting OBIEE for Business Intelligence at The University of Pittsburgh Training Takeaways Helped us focus on entire implementation Able to identify similarities / differences with Brio Users unfamiliar with Brio found OBIEE easy to use Helped us understand questions asked by consultants! Training manuals exceptional Instructor exceptional Optimum Training Order Dimensional Modeling OBIEE Administration / Repository Analytics (Answers) BI Publisher Different subsets of people in each class – role based Complete training earlier in the process Lessons Learned Understanding roles that will be necessary for implementation and ongoing maintenance Timing of training – Complete Training Earlier in the Process Session #33875 March 10, 2014
Train Key Roles Early – Considering February
CSRG Budget Requests Due 1/4 BI New Initiative Covers 10% budget ~$100,000 2 FTE? Training Dimensional modeling/semantic layer support for campuses Other???
Good-bye! Next Meeting January 22, 2015 9:30-10:30 Wisline Web