Patient and Families Following Medical Harm Health Care for All Webinar Linda Kenney March 12, 2014
We all have stories…
Creation of MITSS 2002 – Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITSS), Inc. Mission: To Support Healing and Restore Hope to patients, families, and clinicians following adverse medical events.
Working Definition Medically Induced Trauma is an unexpected outcome that occurs during medical and/or surgical care that affects the emotional well being of the patient, family member, and/or clinician(s). Adverse Event Medical Error Unanticipated Outcome Known complications Harm due to medical intervention
Trauma Trauma is a part of the human experience. The trauma response occurs when a person experiences or witnesses a sudden, terrible, and unexpected event which temporarily destroys his/her ability to cope. Trauma is essentially a normal response to an abnormal or extreme event.
Patient & Family Brochure
What Patients and Families Want Following Adverse Medical Events Transparent communication in real time An apology or an acknowledgement Organizational response to prevent recurrence Support (unique for each individual)
Patients and families may feel a mix of emotions following an adverse medical event, including: Sadness Anger Mistrust Isolation A desire to connect with others Guilt Shame Fear Grief/Loss Grateful to survive Ambivalence
Multifaceted Consequences Further medical follow-up as a result of event Chronic pain Financial strain Job loss/increased work stress Child care/parenting burdens Marital conflict Death of a loved one
MITSS Patient/Family Group
Early on…. MITSS realized if hospital’s weren’t acknowledging these events, how were going to provide support. MITSS started to get more involved in what was called “Disclosure and Apology”
MACRMI Involved early on After the PFAC’s look at documents, we send it out to the patients and families who have utilized MITSS services They see things through a specific lens
MITSS Resources & Contact Info. – Downloadable Items Patient/Family Brochure LEND Document Common Reactions to Trauma Self-care Tips Child’s Reaction to Trauma Linda Kenney 617-232-0090