Welcome! I
___________________________ Seniors Text: @cfge72 to: 81010 My Contact information Email: tarin.foster@sarasotacountyschools.net Website: http://mrstarinfoster.weebly.com/ Remind APP: Juniors Text: @32bg4F to: 81010 ___________________________ Seniors Text: @cfge72 to: 81010
Supply List: Hand sanitizer or Tissues to share. (pick one ) Mindset journal everyday!!!! (will be provided to you) Something to write with and paper. A binder or a folder (whichever makes you happy; may I recommend one with puppies or kittens) A positive attitude.
About me… this is my 9th year teaching. (5th year @VHS, 1.5 @ sRQ High & 2.5 in Buffalo, NY) I have my masters in English literature &Undergrad in English Education. (In other words, I am a bookworm dork!) i am fair. I will work you to reach your highest learning potential.(there will be times you won’t like me because of this!) I care about you already. (no, we can’t get best friend charms, sorry!) I like to have fun when I teach which makes me a little nutty.(caffeine makes me really crazy!) I have bad days too. (sorry, not sorry!)
You are important ! I am here to help you be the best version of yourself & to prepare you for life after high school.
Test On Friday! Research has shown that a student that is comfortable in a learning environment will consume more knowledge. Therefore, we are all friends here!
Take care of each other assignment due 8/22 Let’s check it out on my website…
Field trip to the media Center Field trip to the media Center! * The second you get your book put your name in it!!!
Figure it out Fridays – A day devoted to being successful Mini conferences Treasure box picks! IRP time Quarterly paper time Journal checks
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