College Credit Plus An introduction for students and families at Cincinnati Christian Schools for the 2018-2019 school year
What is College Credit Plus?
A State Funded Opportunity to Earn College Credit College Credit Plus A State Funded Opportunity to Earn College Credit College-ready students Grades 7 – 12 Many college course options Public colleges and participating private colleges are free Ohio’s new College Credit Plus can help students earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students. Taking a college course from a public college or university College Credit Plus is free. That means no cost for tuition, books or fees. If you choose to attend a private college or university, you may have limited costs.
College Credit Plus Why Take CCP Courses? You want to take college courses to satisfy your high school graduation requirements. You completed your high school graduation requirements and you want to begin college work. You want to explore college and take a course in a subject that interests you. Ohio’s new College Credit Plus can help students earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students. Taking a college course from a public college or university College Credit Plus is free. That means no cost for tuition, books or fees. If you choose to attend a private college or university, you may have limited costs.
How Can I Take CCP Courses? How Do Courses Earn Me Credit? A semester college course of 3 or more credits counts as a one-year high school class. College Credit Plus How Can I Take CCP Courses? On CCS Campus Online On college campus
Grades are Applied to Graduation Requirements College Credit Plus Grades are Applied to Graduation Requirements The grade you earn in the college course is applied to your high school graduation required class.
College Credit Plus Students can apply to any public or participating private college for College Credit Plus courses. College-readiness is determined by college. CCS is partnering with Cincinnati State, Sinclair College, and Cedarville University for courses to be taught on the CCS campus.
Dual Credit? Students receive high school credit on the CCS transcript. CCS transcript will reflect that the course is a CCP course and list the college name. Students receive college credit on a college transcript. College transcripts are available by request from the college for personal records or to be sent to other colleges.
AP vs. College Credit Plus AP courses are high school courses taken for high school credit. Students can earn college credit through an exam at the end of the course. CCP courses are college courses. College credit is earned by completing the course with a grade above an F.
Available AP Courses at CCS 2018-2019 AP Studio Art AP Physics AP Calculus
Expectations of CCP Courses Coursework will be different Grading will be different
College Credit Plus Weighted Grades College courses must be weighted equally to the greatest weight of Advanced Placement or honors classes. For this reason, all of our CCP courses will have a course title that starts with CCP/Honors. AP & Honors Class College Course
College Credit Plus If you fail the course or drop it too late, you may have to pay for it. Classes failed or withdrawn with an “F” will receive an “F” on the high school and college transcripts and will be computed into the high school and college GPA. If you do not receive a passing grade, the district may, in some instances, seek reimbursement for the amount of state funds paid to the college on your behalf for that college course. The school district may withhold grades and credits received for high school courses taken until reimbursement has been made.
CCP and Athletic Eligibility Students must remain eligible in accordance with the rules outlined in the CCS Student-Athlete Handbook. College Credit Plus courses count toward athletic eligibility. Students may be asked to prove eligibility to the athletic department at the end of each quarter.
Tuition, Books and Fees Application fees are waived College Credit Plus Tuition, Books and Fees Application fees are waived Students attending a public college or participating private college do not pay for either books or fees.
How Does Funding Work? The state of Ohio has allocated separate, limited funds for nonpublic students. Priority is given to seniors, then juniors, etc. down to 7th graders. For the 2017-2018 school year: Seniors received 16-20 funded credit hours Juniors received 12 funded credit hours Sophomores received 8 funded credit hours Freshmen received 3-6 funded credit hours Funded hours cannot be split between courses.
Can I Pay for More Credit Hours? Yes. Students can self-pay at the published CCP tuition rates for each college. Rates for partner institutions are expected to range from $42-$166 per credit hour.
Apply and Get Admitted Participate by getting admitted into a college. College Credit Plus Apply and Get Admitted Participate by getting admitted into a college. May have to take a placement test and satisfy other college criteria.
Summer Term and Requirements College Credit Plus Summer Term and Requirements CCP summer courses will apply to the fall term of the next school year. A college’s summer term may begin in May. There may be multiple sessions within a summer term.
College Credit Plus Summer Requirements If you want to participate in summer term, you must submit your letter of intent to participate early enough to apply and gain admission to the college and register for course(s) in the spring.
I Am Ready! Now What? “Steps for College Credit Plus Registration” (Green Handout) Six important steps to follow
Nonpublic Students MUST: College Credit Plus Nonpublic Students MUST: 1. Fulfill school counseling requirement 2. Submit your Letter of Intent to state 3. Apply to the colleges 4. Apply for state funding via SAFE account 5. Receive award letter and send it to colleges. 6. Register for courses.
College Credit Plus CCP Courses at CCS We will have 18-19 one-semester electives offered on our high school campus for the 2018-2019 school year. Courses are available for both honors and non-honors students. Courses will be available for students in grades 9-12 although MOST courses are for 11th-12th graders. (Remember these are college courses!)
College Credit Plus How Do I Choose Courses? See Blue Handout called “Suggestions for Choosing College Credit Plus Courses at CCS” organized by partnering institution. (blue handout) Notice that courses may have CCS prerequisites, college prerequisites, or both.
Quick Discussion of Courses College Credit Plus Quick Discussion of Courses From BLUE Handout: Composition I Composition II Introduction to Literature Principles of Engineering Personal and Community Health Spanish I, II, III, IV
Course, continued American History I and II College Algebra College Credit Plus Course, continued American History I and II College Algebra Statistics I Precalculus Biology I and II (notice corequisite)
Proctored, Online Courses College Credit Plus Proctored, Online Courses From BLUE Handout: Psychology (Hybrid course) Computer IT courses?
College Information Sinclair College Cincinnati State Cedarville University Miami University
College Credit Plus Questions?