Accessing detailed microdata with Real Time Remote Access (RTRA) An Introduction Susan Mowers, Data Librarian, GSG Centre - UOttawa René Duplain, Data Analyst, GSG Centre - UOttawa 1
Learning outcomes Learn how to use RTRA, SAS and the RTRA libguide Compare the pros and cons of RTRA, Odesi (and RDC’s)
Agenda Introduction - RTRA and GSS Social Identity dataset Demo and Hands-on Intro to research question and documentation/handouts Get results from Odesi (exercise) to compare with RTRA Get results from RTRA RTRA GSS27 on your own! Discussion of pros and cons of Odesi/PUMF’s versus RTRA COOL RDC Apply for RTRA account
Introduction to the RTRA service Library RTRA Guide:
Advantages of RTRA in research and teaching Expands researchers’ and students’ research options Strengthens research proposals and grant applications Basic level statistical analysis experience required Building statistical analysis skills (supported by researcher-centred RTRA support and training) Rapid access: A whole class can be registered within a short period of time / Quick account application via GSG to Statistics Canada 24/7 access to documentation, dummy data, RTRA account RTRA results within an hour 5
Overview of “what” you can get that not available as public data Confidential registry or Administrative microdata for SAS Confidential survey microdata for SAS
Let’s check the RTRA collection Library RTRA Guide [Link]
Your Microdata Options Compared StatsCan DLI Public Microdata Most variables are categorized (including quantitative variables like income and age) or reclassified into larger groups (including visible minorities). See your Data Dictionary 24/7 and bilingual access Thousands of surveys See [Link]
RTRA - It’s in the details! Occupations, educational programs, and industry Special populations – Exact ages (re-code/group how “you” want) Ethnic groups, visible minorities, religious affiliations Country of birth Income Geography (more CMAs, FSAs) Take advantage of “THE MASTER FILE”
Your Microdata Options Compared StatsCan RTRA Master Files Much more detail (and some more geography)! Data is ready to be categorized the way you want as the data is rarely categorized. See your Data Dictionary Many surveys ask questions for which the possible answers are already grouped/ranked No regression analysis/probability stats possible
Your Microdata Options Compared StatsCan / COOL RDC Master files Highest detail - again granting you the most freedom to recode data,, as in this graphic with shading by visible minority status All types of analysis including longitudinal analysis
Our research question Is amount of time spent following the news and pride in being Canadian related?
Example 1: Get statistical results from Odesi (the PUMF)
Preparing SAS programs for RTRA
What can you get through RTRA What can you get through RTRA? Descriptive statistics: see sample examples Libguide [Temporary Link]
Exercise 2: Get statistical results from RTRA
RTRA Users: more disperse than expected Social Sciences (most RTRA surveys) Engineering (NGS) Law (UCR/Homicide) Nursing (NGS) Management (GSS) Institutional Research and Planning Building on <odesi> or bridging to COOL RDC (any time)
RTRA application process
RTRA account You: Apply and keep account current René: Signs your application forms and sends to Statistics Canada (back-up: Susan, Catie)
Which is best? Odesi RTRA COOL RDC
Discussion – Where to?
Please help … What are your needs: To promote available microdata, e.g., from Statistics Canada Odesi, not widely promoted in the classroom COOL RDC and RTRA, less so Research proposals and data/statistical reference questions (Odesi and RTRA) What are your needs: How can we help you to help students and researchers?
Intake before consultation meeting Combination of in-person and E-mail What is the best survey / source? Does Statistical Focal Point contact know the best RTRA survey? Cross-over with DLI contact / Susan and Catie Odesi, Statistics Canada’s and GSG’s RTRA tools are consulted for the survey Confirm survey - key concepts / variables – variables not suppressed What is user’s statistical knowledge – level and software? (SAS needs of user?) Application for RTRA account in advance What stats package does the user know? Dummy file downloaded Survey template prepared SAS / RTRA (test SAS job on dummy file, test RTRA job in RTRA account)
RTRA - Statistics Canada’s role Setup new RTRA accounts for subscribing institutions Acquire new surveys and data and make them available to all RTRA account holders. E-mail notifications are sent on the new files. Provide parameters documentation on surveys (web site), and the dummy master file data and data dictionaries (Filezilla). Provide fast computer-generated responses on RTRA SAS jobs (as output or error messages) Liaise with René and Susan to improve services as required.
Evaluation Tell us please Was this worthwhile? Room for improvement? Please provide your honest feedback! Tell us please