YEAR 11 INFORMATION EVENING Details and dates Support for the core subjects Being a supportive parent A revision carousel
INTRODUCTIONS Year 11 team Head of Year Mrs Devine Associate Head Ms Dudgeon DH Mr Morgan AH/Head of KS4 Mr Carter Progress Leader Mr Davoile SSMs Mrs Elfring and Mr Varney Careers Coordinator Mr Fitzjohn Advisor Mrs Foster Principal English Mrs Bennett Leaders of Maths Miss McManus Learning Science Miss Miller
GCSE grading structure In the first year, the same proportion of students as currently get A or above will achieve a grade 7 and above The same proportion as currently get C and above will achieve a grade 4 and above The same proportion as currently get G and above will achieve a grade 1 and above
PROGRESS 8 What is it all about? Your Key Stage 2 results have been used to predict your likely grades across 8 subjects at the end of Key Stage 4.
PROGRESS SCORE If you do better than your predicted grades you will have a positive progress score. If you do not get the predicted grades you will have a negative progress score. AIM HIGH. BE POSITIVE.
CAREERS INTERVIEWS If your child has not had an interview and would like one then contact email the school at
IMPORTANT DATES Exam timetables The summer exam timetable is on the school website. The dates and times are externally set; we have no control over the dates and there are no re-sit opportunities. IMPORTANT DATES
IMPORTANT DATES Leavers’ assembly TBC Last exam Monday 18 June (Hospitality) Year 11 PROM Friday 29 June Results day Thursday 23 August Sixth form enrolment Thursday 23 August IMPORTANT DATES
INFORMATION How to achieve the highest grades at GCSE booklet Revision techniques booklet GCSE timetables were distributed to students on intervention day
SUPPORT FOR CORE SUBJECTS Provides specific information about English, maths and science exams Provides a variety of techniques to support your child at home with revision for any subject
Maximise potential Personalised pathways focusing on individuals MATHEMATICS Maximise potential Personalised pathways focusing on individuals
MATHEMATICS The mathematics exam will be on: Thursday 24 May - Non-Calculator Thursday 7 June - Calculator Tuesday 12 June - Calculator All papers are in the morning and are 1 hour 30 minutes
MATHS REVISION RESOURCES Hegarty Maths Students login with their name and DoB Caludon Castles VLE Edexcel/AQA Linear GCSE Revision Guides Example Papers
MATHS SUPPORT 4 hours lesson time Exam paper practice Hegarty Maths Targeted after school sessions Additional adults Additional practice material Firefly resources Picking up the pace Half term revision sessions
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Reading fiction and non-fiction, answering questions to show understanding, analysis of language and structure and evaluative skills, as well as summarising and comparison skills. Followed by the opportunity to write creatively, or to share your views. AQA English Language 2 written examinations Paper 1: Fiction reading and descriptive/narrative writing 1 hour 45 minutes Paper 2: Non-Fiction reading and writing to share a point of view
ENGLISH LITERATURE Assesses the ability to understand how a text is written: how a writer presents ideas, themes, characters and settings through different forms and structures The ability to relate a text to its social context: what influenced the writer and what society was like at the time the text was written The ability to respond critically and analytically to the impact Literature has on its audience: both contemporary and modern Paper 1: Shakespeare and 19th Century Prose (Macbeth and A Christmas Carol) 1 hour 45 minutes Paper 2: Modern Text and Poetry (An Inspector Calls, Anthology and Unseen Poetry) 2 hours 15 minutes
ENGLISH EXAMS Tuesday 22nd May AM – Literature paper 1 Friday 25th May AM – Literature paper 2 Tuesday 5th June AM – Language paper 1 Wednesday 6th June AM – Language paper 2
ENGLISH REVISION RESOURCES AND OPPORTUNITIES Caludon Castle’s VLE: Bespoke, interactive revision guides produced by staff Lit charts: BBC Bitesize: Revision guide packs for £6.50 YouTube – Mr Bruff is one of the best teacher-vloggers After Easter - Tuesdays after school
Know it Apply it Analyse it Evaluate it SCIENCE Know it Apply it Analyse it Evaluate it
SCIENCE EXAM DATES Combined Science Biology paper 1 – 15th May PM Chemistry paper 1 – 17th May AM Physics paper 1 – 23rd May PM Biology paper 2 – 11th June AM Chemistry paper 2 – 13th June AM Physics paper 2 – 15th June AM All exam papers are 1 hour and 15 minutes Triple Sciences All exam papers are 1 hour and 45 minutes
SCIENCE REVISION RESOURCES Firefly Online revision Free science lesson videos AQA GCSE Combined Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics Revision Guides
SCIENCE SUPPORT Subject specialists Personalised feedback following mocks Exam paper practice – model answers After school revision sessions Additional adults Firefly resources Breakfast revision before each exam
10 tips to support your child through their exams
How can you help your child and prepare them to perform? Being a role model Help them set goals Keep them active Staying cool and calm Healthy eating Time out Sleep patterns Unplugging Belief Be supportive Each day you can support your child to make choices which can impact how they perform during the exam period
1. Being a role model Set a good example by modelling the behaviour you want your child to adopt… Planning for the week Eating healthily and well Keeping hydrated Leading an active life Staying calm Being organised Good sleep habits
2. Goal Setting Encourage them to keep their goals planner visible – e.g. printed and displayed on their bedroom wall Help focus them and talk to them about their goals regularly Give positive reinforcement Connect with them about ‘why’ and ‘what’ they want to achieve
3. Keeping Active 60 minutes per day Get active on a daily basis Exercise in chunks e.g. 3 x 20 min sessions throughout the day Plan to do active things together on a weekend Get some fresh air Help to plan out their weekly exercise schedule in advance After exercise your brain functions well, so encourage a revision session afterwards
4. Healthy Eating Avoid high sugary and fatty foods or drinks Aim to eat clean, fresh and healthy foods Have a couple of ‘treat’ meals each week Encourage them to eat breakfast everyday Hydration is key to brain functioning so make sure your child carries a bottle of water with them
Whole Grains / Brown rice 4. Healthy Eating Eating the right food and drink can energise your system, improve alertness and sustain your child through the long exams A BALANCING ACT Keep your sugar levels under control. UP THE B’S & OMEGA 3’S B vitamins are directly involved in creating energy at a cellular level & will give you an energy boost Green vegetables Asparagus / Spinach Broccoli Yoghurt Chicken / Salmon Whole Grains / Brown rice Almonds / Pecans Eggs MIGHTY MAGNESIUM Magnesium is involved in over 1000 enzymatic reactions in the body. It's vitally important in providing our cells with energy Green vegetables Nuts Pulses Fish Bananas
5. Time Out Encourage them to build in opportunities to take some time out every week, away from study. For example: Going out for food Seeing friends Having a bath Listening to music Reading a book Doing a hobby Going shopping Going to the cinema
6.Sleep Patterns Young people need 8-9 hours sleep per night Help your child create a relaxing evening routine Don’t let them eat too late at night Avoid giving them caffeine or sugary drinks late at night Make sure they don’t work or revise too late before going to bed Get them switched off from social media / technology at least an hour before going to bed
7. Unplugging Encourage them to unplug from technology everyday Help them switch off from technology at least 30 mins before going to sleep Make sure they put their phone away, and on silent, while they are concentrating on tasks or revision or home learning Support them in learning to control their obsession with their phone Choose some time each day/week to switch off and unplug from technology with them FIGHT FOMO
8. Staying Cool & Calm Set a good example by staying calm yourself Create a relaxing environment for your child Help them plan out coping strategies to deal with their stress Give them positive distractions away from studying Help them understand their stress and to focus on controlling the controllables Promote a balance of their academic studies and other activities during the week
9. Belief Give them positive reinforcement Boost their confidence daily Celebrate any successes and reward them e.g. if they have achieved their mini-goals Try not to set your expectations too high Show them how proud of them you are Highlight things to make them feel good Give them the belief in themselves to help them achieve
10. Be Supportive Be a good listener Be approachable Encourage them to take breaks in between revision Show some understanding of what they are going through Help them deal with their emotions and feelings Offer caring advice Just be there for them
And finally Find somewhere for them to work without distractions Your child needs a parent, not a friend Be there and be available Recognise you’re stressed as well Reward effort not results Celebrate the end of exams The end is in sight Don’t expect too much thanks just yet!
REVISION CAROUSEL You will attend three workshops that will last approximately ten minutes each. Take a seat in one of the following rooms S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S7 and the workshops will come to you. The same three workshops will run in each of the rooms.