Big, Things, Little Things and In-Between Things Goal Setting Exercise Big, Things, Little Things and In-Between Things
Finances: How much $$ do I really want/need?
What are my relationship goals for the next year: SO, friends, family, colleagues, others?
In the next year: what are my health and fitness goals?
What activity gives me the greatest sense of freedom and happiness or joy?
What talent is uniquely mine to offer?
What in me is begging to be cultivated?
What gives me the greatest sense of appreciation, awe or exhilaration?
What are key features of my ideal first job What are key features of my ideal first job? Clinical, non-clinical, pay, hours per week, location, opportunities for personal growth, etc (note: many people change jobs after a few years) please also enter this into New Innovations, q 1 on “Goal Setting 2017
For that job, what additional skills or knowledge do I think I’ll need to work on more, or develop? How do I plan on developing those skills? (consider potential elective time) please also enter this into New Innovations, q 2 on “Goal Setting 2017”
Think about your perfect but average work day Think about your perfect but average work day. What is one, small thing you can do every work day that helps you have a better day? (e.g. 5 minutes of breathing exercises/yoga/meditation at the start or end of the day, moment of gratitude, pausing before each patient encounter, exercise, playing/listening to music)
Write 1 SMART Goal to help integrate that small thing into every work day (or even every day) Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound