Media Unit English 1201.


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Presentation transcript:

Media Unit English 1201

The M words...

Mass Media when media methods are used to communicate to thousands of people at the same time.

Media forms of public communication designed to reach large numbers of people.

Medium Singular of media Types of Medium include: Advertisement, blog, pamphlet/ brochure, commercial, poster, web page, newspaper/ magazine article, editorial and editorial cartoon

Message Any thought, idea, or information, whether expressed in plain or in secret language, prepared in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication.

Motive Reason for doing something (i.e. To make money, change opinion, etc.)

Strategies in Advertising/Media

1. Bandwagon Bandwagon is an appeal to the subject to follow the crowd, to join in because others are doing so as well. “Everyone else is doing it…”

2. Cartoons or cute characters Simple/childish characters are used to bring people back to their days of youth.

3. Celebrity Endorsement

Got Milk Campaign

4. Emotional Appeal

5. Facts and Figures The media use facts and figures in order to show credibility. They convince you of something by showing you data. However, the data can be misleading or can exclude important information.

6. Gender or Sex Appeal Why does this appeal to people? How does it appeal to men? To women? Are there differences in how both genders react to advertisements?

7. Name calling Usually found in political ads, name calling is intended to discredit an opponent.

8. Plain folks Why would people want to be considered “simple folk”?

9. Shock Appeal Advertisements with shock appeal deliberately startle and offend its audience by violating norms for social values and personal ideals. Shock advertising is designed to break through the advertising “clutter” to capture attention and create buzz.

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10. Snob Appeal Some companies brand themselves as only being for rich people. Why do you think this is?

11. Testimonials Testimonials are statements written or spoken by consumers of products. They back up companies’ claims that their products work or are of high quality. Think infomercials or exercise programs Sometimes testimonials are made to discourage the use of a product.

12. Product Placement Strategy used in advertisement in which products and brands are placed within a play, film, broadcast, video game or print medium for financial gain.

13. Propaganda Propaganda is the organized dissemination of information to influence thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions.

14. Subliminal Message Promotional messages the recipient is not aware of, such as those played at very low volume or flashed on a screen for less than a second. Its effectiveness is not supported by scientific evidence, and its use is considered a deceptive business practice in some jurisdictions.

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15. Subtext An underlying and often distinct theme or message in a piece of writing, conversation, ad, etc. Click for video

16. Target audience Consumer group most likely to buy a specific product and identified by region, age, demographics, or economic status. Effective ads are created and placed in media with the target audience clearly in mind.