The Self-Advocacy Strategy Setting Career Goals The Self-Advocacy Strategy
Self-Advocacy: A Key to Your Success Watch the Self-Advocacy Video labeled Introduction Things you will need to do Take notes Participate Take the quiz
SHARE What does SHARE stand for? Watch the Self-Advocacy video labeled SHARE to find out!! You will need to: 1. Take notes 2. Demonstrate the SHARE strategy!
Watch the Self-Advocacy video labeled Conference It is time to take charge of your meetings! Watch the Self-Advocacy video labeled Conference
Practice! Practice! Practice! The Key to running your meeting with confidence! Time to Practice!! With the class read your opening speech and pass out your booklet! Set the room to look like the conference room OR ask Mrs. Lee to schedule the conference room for you!
PPT Meeting Take an Active role! PPT means Planning and Placement Team The meeting is about you and for you! In the meeting the team makes a plan for the year. This plan is to help you in school and to get ready for the time you are ready to leave high school. You are a member of the team. Take an Active role!
Success is about preparing for the future Preparation! Success is about preparing for the future You will need to: Develop your opening speech Design and produce a booklet that describes YOU. This booklet will be given to each member of the PPT or PCP team. PCP is Person Center Planning: It is about YOU and designing a plan for your future
Person Centered Planning PCP is Person Center Planning: It is about YOU and designing a plan for your future Participate in a PCP practice session! Planning comes first! Answer these questions: You can use your Bridges book to help you What activities do you like? __________________________________________ Would you like to work inside or outside? _______________________________ What will you do when you graduate from school? _______________________ Who will you need to help you get there? Use your Circle of Friends to help you decide. __________________________________________________________________
Game Time Play the Career Game Play a game with the career cards! Fill out the sheets to add to your Portfolio
Setting Career Goals: The Text When you are reading: Find the main points Use the sticky note strategy to help you I will ask you to tell me the main points Read Chapter 1: Why Set Career Goals? Did you know that you already have a job? Well you do!!! You are a STUDENT Let’s learn about setting career goals. Great Job!! Let’s move on
General Study Skills It is time to look at our job as a student You will have a partner to work with Read the handout: Part One General Study Skills Do the Brainstorm activity at the bottom of the page. Additional Activity: Prepare a handout of the materials
Chapter One: Setting Goals for Yourself Read Basketball Dreams as a group We will need to choose : 1 person to read 1 person to record the main points and evidence after the reading Highlighting in 2 colors (main point and evidence) Everyone to join the discussion
Why is it important to set clear goals for yourself? What Do You Think? Why is it important to set clear goals for yourself?
What Do You Think? Why is it hard to stick with a goal? Why is it easy to give up?
Support Circle A support circle includes all the people that can help you be successful with your goals. Everyone has people who will help Who are YOUR people Complete the STAR chart! (go to the next slide to see what the STAR chart is)
Support Circle Friends, Family The people closest to you (Family) People you know Groups and Clubs can be in any category Complete these circles with STAR people
Lesson 1: Creating Goals for Yourself Read Take a Look Use Foldables for defining: Daily Goals Short-term Goals Long-term Goals We will complete page 11 together!!
Take the Inventory!! Learning Styles Inventory How do you learn best? Career Interest Inventory What are you interested in doing for a career?
Knowing how you learn will help you do a better job as a student Learning Styles Knowing how you learn will help you do a better job as a student These strategies help me be successful!!
Career Interests Read Chapter 2 Opportunities at Work from the textbook Setting Career Goals When you are reading: Find the main points Use the sticky note strategy to help you I will ask you to tell me the main points
Discovering Skills Read Chapter 3 Discovering Skills from the textbook Setting Career Goals Complete Interest and Skills Inventories in the Build a Bridge Booklet
Learning About Jobs Read Chapter 4 Learning About Jobs from the textbook Setting Career Goals Choose a career to research Complete the career research worksheet
Careers What did you find out about the career you chose? Do you need to readjust your goals? Do you need to add in new support people into your circle? These are questions you need to ask yourself. We will be there to help!!
Timing and Skills Do one (1) of the pre-vocational timing kits Name of the timing kit: _______________________________________ My score 1st trial 2nd trial 3rd trial ______ ______ _______ Date: ________________
Portfolio Your Portfolio will be divided into sections: Assessments Tell a story about YOU by developing a Career Portfolio Your Portfolio will be divided into sections: Assessments Interests/Skills Sample Work Career Exploration Add the information to your portfolio as you collect it
Career Exploration Choose a career to research The career is: _______________________________________ Directions: 1.Watch the film 2. Complete the career research worksheet