FIR TYPE-I Lowpass Filtering using TMS320C6711 Floating Point Processor DEMO Presentation Prepared by: Bashir SADEGHI Supervised by: Dr. Erhan A. INCE ©Dec 2012. All rights reserved.
Using CCS Start CCS by either: Using the desktop icon: or Start -> Programs -> Texas Instruments -> Code Composer Studio 2 -> Code Composer Studio. Run cc_app.exe in c:\ti\cc\bin\
Troubleshooting If the following window appears on your screen then: Check that the DSK is connected properly and powered up. Check if the port address and mode is correct
CCS DSK Utilities Quick Test Run from CCS GEL menu Defined in dsk6xinit.gel Non-intrusive test by reading and writing: LEDs Switches DSK board revision Outputs switch values
Creating a New Project From the Project menu, choose New. In the Project Name field, type filter. In the Location field, browse to the working folder you created in step 1. In the Project Type field, select Executable (.out). In the Target field, select the target you have CCS configured for and click Finish.
Adding Files to a Project Choose Project→Add Files to Project. Select filter.c and click Open. Choose Project→Add Files to Project. Select Asm Source Files (*.a*, *.s*) in the Files of type box. Select vectors.asm and load.asm, and click Open. Select Linker Command File (*.cmd) in the Files of type box. Select filter.cmd and click Open.
Adding Files to a Project Choose Project→Add Files to Project. Go to the compiler library folder (C:\ti\c6000\cgtools\lib). Select Object and Library Files (*.o*, *.lib) in the Files of type box. Select the rts.lib file for the target you are configured for and click Open. In the Project View window, right-click on filter.pjt and select Scan All Dependencies. filter.h should appear under the Include folder in the Project View window.
Adding Files to a Project Expand the Project list by clicking the + signs next to Project, filter.pjt, Libraries, and Source. This list is called the Project View.
Header file
Main program-libraries and functions
Main program-variables and connections
Main program-body
Building and Running the Program Choose Project→Rebuild All or click the (Rebuild All) toolbar button. By default, the .out file is built into a debug directory located under your current project folder. Choose File→Load Program. Select the program you just rebuilt, filter.out, and click Open.
Displaying Graphs Choose View→Graph→Time/Frequency. In the Graph Property Dialog, change some of the variable properties to the values shown here. Click OK. An Input graph window for the Input Buffer appears. Right-click on the Input graph window and choose Clear Display from the pop-up menu. Choose View→Graph→Time/Frequency again. This time, change the Graph Title to Output and the Start Address to out_buffer. All the other settings are correct. Click OK to display the Output graph window.
Animating the Program and Graphs In the volume.c window, put your cursor in the line that calls dataIO. Click the (Toggle Breakpoint) toolbar button or press F9. A red icon is placed in the selection margin to represent the breakpoint. Arrange the windows so that you can see both graphs. Click the (Animate) toolbar button or press F12 to run the program. From the Debug menu, choose Halt.
Animating the Program and Graphs