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Parent University – ROAR Night – “A”
Wellness Night
Learning & Leadership Opportunities LEADER IN ME 7 Habits Gifts/ Talents Develop Essential Soft Skills Learning & Leadership Opportunities Chase/Brenner
BALANCE Also a core belief … our clients, employees, shareholders and community are equally important Our health is our wealth – if we lose it, we lose everything Take care of your body – only place you have to live One of the main qulaities it takes to be successful is energy = it may be the only thing (K. Hepburn) Eat, Move, Sleep book Personal energy mismanagement is a silent thief of productivty When we keep borrowing against our future by poorly protecting our energy, there is a predictable outcome of either slowly running out of gas or prematurely crashing and burning … you try to do too much Without focus you burn out … high achievement and extraordinary results require big energy! .. Trick to learning how to get it and keep it … suggestions Start with meditation and prayer for spiritual energy, breakfast most important meal of the day (need nutrtion – can’t run long on empty calories or an empty tank), exercise to relieve stress – if limited time a pedometer, emotional energy (hug, talk, laugh with loved ones to remind why you’re working in the first place) – productive people thrive on this kind of energy .. First things first with calendar and get 8 hours of sleep Have an energized start to each day – positive energy creates positive momentum The One Thing book p. 198-201 Take time to exercise, catch up on your sleep and eat right Sharpen the saw story (but CBT has heard it)
Pay It Forward
A soldier and a Gold Star Kid
Capturing SPECIAL Mr. Pay it Forward
IF YOU... If you planted hope today in any hopeless heart, If someone’s burden was lighter because you played your part, If you caused a laugh that chased some tears away, If tonight your name is named when someone kneels to pray, Then your day has been well spent. CD’s for sale … take with me