City of San Pablo Climate Action Plan Update Amanda Booth
San Pablo Spine SFEP Project - The San Pablo Avenue Green Stormwater Spine is a pilot project for “green” infrastructure. The Spine Project will implement low impact development (LID) projects distributed along 12.5 miles of San Pablo Avenue, a major thoroughfare passing through a number of East Bay cities. At the February 16th City Council meeting, Amanda reviewed both the stormwater and climate change requirements and programs staff manage. In tonight’s presentation, I’ll be focusing on solid waste.
San Pablo Spine In San Pablo there will be rain gardens at 13613 San Pablo Ave Request for bids in May Scheduled to be completed by December 2016 In particular, I will review the collection and post collection services and how they relate to garbage rates. I will also summarize some of the major solid waste mandates that impact the City.
Climate Action Plan Update In 2012 the City of San Pablo developed a Climate Action Plan (CAP). Provides a course of actions to reduce GHG emission to 15% below 2005 levels by 2020 and 30% below 2005 levels by 2035, as recommended by AB32.
Climate Action Plan Update
Current Programs Energy Transportation Water Waste Joined MCE Municipal Solar Project EV Charging Station Energy Efficiency Projects Energy Increase Multi-Modal Transport Business Bike Rack Program Transportation EBMUD Water Conservation Program Increase Water Recycling and Infiltration Water Reduce Waste to Landfill Increase Composting Programs Waste