Iran’s Population and Housing Census -2016 In the Name of God Iran’s Population and Housing Census -2016 by Maryam Pourreza Anvar Asiyeh Rashidinejad Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) May 2018 United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-11 May 2018
Outline An Introduction of Iran A Brief Look at Iran’s 2016 census Quality Assurance in Population and Housing Censuses, Iran’s 2016 Census
An Introduction of Iran United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-11 May 2018
Geography of Iran Located in the: Middle East Neighboring Countries: Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan Afghanistan, Armenia Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan Seas: Caspian Sea Persian Gulf Oman Sea
Iran Administrative Divisions (2016) Province (Ostan): 31 Sub-province (Shahrestan): 429 City (Shahr): 1245 County (Bakhsh): 1057 Rural agglomeration: 2589 Village (Abadi): about 97600 Capital: Tehran
Iran’s Census History National population and housing censuses used to be conducted once a decade in Iran in the years between 1956 and 2006. The first such census was undertaken by the Department of General Statistics in 1956; subsequent censuses were taken by the Statistical Centre of Iran (SCI) in 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996, 2006 and 2011. The 2016 Census was the Eighth National Population and Housing Census of the country which was conducted on September, 2016 throughout Iran.
A Brief Look at Iran’s 2016 Census United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-11 May 2018
Summary Information at Design and Implementation Phase Period of Design More than 2 years Designing Structure More than 20 working committees and Groups Designing Team More than 170 staffs Number of Activities More than 700 activities Number of Trainers More than 5200 trainers Number of Workforce involved in executing the Census About 40000 persons
Summary Information at Design and Implementation Phase Executive levels, including enumerators, senior experts 36 executive levels Census enumerators by sex 52.2% males & 47.8% females Manpower saving we would need 65000 persons if we used traditional methods Per capita cost Less than 0.5 dollar Software for management 32 software
Population (2016) Population: 79.926.270 Urban: %74 (59146847) Rural: %25.9 (20730625) Unsettled: %0.1 (48798) Ethnic Groups: Fars, Turk , Kurd, Lore Baluch, Arab, Turkmen
Population by Residence Status Based on the 2016 Census Population living in urban areas 59146847
Population by Sex Based on Census(2016) Total population: 79.926.270 Male: 40498442 Female: 39427828 Female: 49% Male: 51%
Quick Facts Based on 2016 Census 102.7 Number of males per 100 females 3.3 Average Household Size 85.97% Adults literacy rate
in Population and Housing Censuses Quality Assurance in Population and Housing Censuses Iran’s 2016 Census United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses: International Standards and Contemporary Technologies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 8-11 May 2018
Overview of Quality Assessment, Iran’s 2016 Census Two pilot Organizational structure Electronic geographic file design Updating maps Promotional programs Providing multiple software (implementation, monitoring, editing, post enumeration) Use information and resources as a backup file Control room and management process of implementation and quality Remove paper and reduce manpower Training executive levels Post enumeration survey Evaluation results and information with multiple indicators Dissemination of electronic and physical information (over 42,000 tables)
Pilot for Iran’s 2016 Census The first pilot census was in 2014 In 2014, the first pilot census was taken in two cities: Shar-e-Majlesi and Foolad Shahr for the following reasons: Evaluation and comparison of the results through self-administration and face to face interview Evaluation of address file and household coverage Checking data with other administrative sources Checking data with agriculture census Checking data with 2006 and 2011 censuses Checking data with targeted subsidies data Field study Telephone-assisted survey
Pilot for Iran’s 2016 Census The second pilot census was in 2015 In 2015, the second and main pilot census was implemented through two following mixed methods namely: internet and face to face interview. Main areas for test: Address file Internet self-completion Software of household questionnaire on the tablet Evaluation of the questions on religion Time for completion of the household questionnaire Evaluation of access methods to absent households Using back up data on the tablets Using register data Evaluation of the enumerator’s work load Group Organization
Organizational Structure of Population and Housing 2016 Census The National Census Headquarter Coordination and Integration Council Plan Preparation Group (5 Committees) ICT Group (4 Committees) Organization and Logistical Group (3 Committees) Publicity and Dissemination Group (2 Committees) Supervision Group (2 Committees)
Organizational Structure of Population and Housing 2016 Census Credits committee Logistics and supply committee Extraction Committee Technical support Committee Database and Registers data Committee The National Census Headquarter Coordination and Integration Council Secretariat of Headquarters E Supervision over implementation Committee Publicity Committee System Designing Committee Supervision Group Publicity and Dissemination Group Organization and Logistical Group ICT Group Plan Preparation Group Organizational Structure of Population and Housing 2016 Census Forms and Handbook Committee Training Committee Editing and Imputation Committee Tabulation and Publication Preparation Committee Post-enumeration committee Security Committee Statistical Maps and Address File Committee Information dissemination committee Organization Committee
Electronic Geographic File Design Updating maps Use of electronic geographical files at the smallest geographic level (Statistical blocks) Prepared the list of all geographical points with link of geographical maps and doing all geographical corrections such as merging blocks at the same time of data collection Providing an electronic list of all locations in the country (street, alley, …) for the first time
Meeting of Census Officials with Supreme Leader, President and Cabinet Advising of Supreme Leader of Iran The order of the President to all of the Ministries for collaborating Cooperation of the ministry of ICT
promotional programs Banners Placards Wall posters Leaflets Census vests and bags for enumerators Official papers on which census logo Prizes
Banner, Placard and Poster
Census Assistant Card for Student of Primary School Poster
Quality Assurance (Editing and Controlling) In the process of implementing a census, variety of non-sampling errors occurred, such as inconsistent information in records, nonresponse, etc. In Iran’s 2016 census, simultaneous editing when enumerators collected information, increased quality of information The possibility of controlling and observing field operations at all executive levels, called Control Room, by observing a slow or unusual increase in field operations progress or frequent failure to collect information Reduction time of interview and recruitment fewer enumerators
Iran’s Paperless 2016 Census We won't have a society if we destroy the environment. Margaret mead Pros: Reduce census costs Increasing environmental protection
Manpower Saving We would need more than 65000 persons for carrying out the National Population and Housing Census if we applied the methods used for the 2011 population census.
Training Executive Levels Statistical Centre of Iran 324 persons 1st phase 3500 persons 2st phase 22000 persons 3rd phase training of enumerators
Quality Control after End of Iran’s 2016 Census Assess information and results with other available resources Post enumeration survey (PES), performing field operations for part of population (calculating rate of under coverage and over coverage) Assessment of census results based on population and demographic indicators, as a result achieving more accuracy
Accessibility Providing information and results continuously Aggregated results have been prepared and disseminated on web and other journal, available for all users Publish the physical version of the aggregated information Release of 2% raw file census while maintaining confidentiality Providing metadata for users of released files
Publication of detailed Published more than 42000 tables Dissemination DVD Publication of detailed and general result SCI’s website address Published more than 42000 tables Primary results: till the end of March, 2017 Detailed results and preparation of publications: September, 2017
Quality Challenges Increasing the census time due to use of Internet by households and interviews by enumerators Refining and integrating information gathered by multiple sources
Challenges of Internet Based Census Portal The first experience in the country and various risks of the project High expectations of the population Sharp reduction of users motivations in case of facing difficulty in using the portal Checking 222 Rules and formatting in the Portal Security
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