Describe how the design process relates to technology and other disciplines Objective 5.02
Design Factors Safety Reliability Economic Consideration Quality Control Environmental Concerns Manufacturability Maintenance / Repair Ergonomics
Safety To comply with codes and regulations so as to provide safe operations of products by the developer and the consumer.
Reliability/Functionality The process of a product working properly utilizing proper materials within the development constraints
Economic Considerations Development of jobs and products for the marketplace for individuals to purchase and pay tax on.
Quality Control Requires information feedback related to measurement tolerances and specifications to assure proper production of products.
Environmental Concerns Developing products that are produced in harmony with our environment and recyclable.
Manufacturability The ability of a product to be produced through feasible means and meet a need using available materials and resources
Maintenance/Repair Products produced with the intention of long life and low maintenance along with simple field replacement units.
Ergonomics The study of workplace equipment design or how to arrange and design devices, machines, or workspace so that people and things interact safely and most efficiently.
Prototype A full scale working model
Communication Systems Design Example Wireless systems utilizing the Internet and advances in satellites present and future not yet imagined.
Manufacturing Systems Design Example CAD/CAM control technology and the use of Robotics offer advances everyday.
Transportation Systems Design Example Magnetic levitation systems and Automatic Guided Vehicles move products and people daily
Structural Systems Design Example Cities, and communities on earth along with the new development of the International Space Station
Energy and Power Design Example Solar, wind, hydroelectric energies are present example of only a few sources that are environmentally conscious.
Biotechnology Design Example Genetic Engineering related to agriculture, environmental concerns, and medical advances.