Agenda Situational Analysis Quarter three performance report Quarter three financial report Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Situational Analysis The NYDA has achieved 96% of its year to date targets for the quarter under review. The Agency is on track to meet 100% of all targets for the financial year 2017 / 2018 The Agency has spent an estimated 74% of its annual budget and 98% of its quarterly budget. The Agency has entered into a partnership with the Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial Government whereby the province will provide the Agency with six outreach vehicles to increase the Agency’s reach to young people in the province. This will be in addition to the offices opened in Newcastle and Richards Bay in collaboration with local municipalities. NYDA welcomes the announcement of fee-free higher education and will work together with National Student Financial Aid Scheme to provide joint support in terms of a collaborative youth development approach. NYDA currently provides NSFAS with access to its branch network to receive and process student applications and this partnership has seen a substantive amount of success in its first year of implementation. The Agency is currently undertaking consultations with young people on the Integrated Youth Development Strategy. Once completed the IYDS shall provide a blueprint and all encompassing youth development approach. It is proposed that it also places the Agency at the forefront of the Monitoring and Evaluation of youth development in South Africa.
Detailed QUARTER 3 (2017/2018) performance report
PROGRAMME AREA 1: ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) YTD ACHIEVEMENT (April – December) REASON FOR VARIANCE To provide socio-economic empowerment interventions and support for young people in South Africa Number of youth owned enterprises supported through Grant programme 550 681 Target was overachieved due to more grant applications approved by branches Number of beneficiaries supported with key fundamentals for success offered by the NYDA 13 000 11 953 Target was not achieved due to limited number of programmes implemented during the festive season Mitigation More training and mentorship programmes will be conducted during quarter 4 to achieve this target Number of jobs created and sustained through supporting entrepreneurs and enterprises 2300 2977 Number of jobs facilitated through placements in job opportunities 3750 6529 Target was overachieved due to partnership established with placement opportunity providers Establishment of the NYDA Youth Fund Concept document approved by EXCO External consultation on the concept document Concept document presented to EXCO and conducted the External consultations Target Achieved Establishment of the NYDA Skills Fund
PROGRAMME AREA 1: ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) YTD ACHIEVEMENT (April – December) REASON FOR VARIANCE To provide increased universal access to young people Number of young people provided with youth development information 1 125 000 1 162 788 Target was overachieved due to partnership established with NSFAS Number of new branches operationalised for young people to access NYDA information 1 Target Achieved Number of new satellite offices operationalised for young people to access NYDA information 5 11 Target was overachieved due to catch up plan that was developed and implemented in quarter 3 Number of new outreach vehicles procured for young people to access NYDA information Number of new information kiosks operationalised for young people to access NYDA information Target applicable in quarter 4
PROGRAMME AREA 2: EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) YTD ACHIEVEMENT (April – December) REASON FOR VARIANCE To facilitate and implement skills programmes Number of young people skilled to enter the job market 48 375 58 570 Target was overachieved due to catch up plan that was implemented in quarter 3 To facilitate and implement education opportunities in order to improve the quality of education attainment for the youth Number of youth supported to access higher education Target applicable in quarter 4 To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building National Youth Service Unit configured to deliver on its mandate -Drafted structure for presentation to Board -Approval by Board and initiated advertising of positions -Filled all funded positions on the structure NYS structure presented to Board, approved by the HRR committee and filled all the funded positions Target Achieved Norms and standards for National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) developed and capacity building interventions provided -Presented the draft norms and standards document to NYDA EXCO for approval -Submitted 3 capacity building interventions and progress report to NYDA EXCO -Submitted 6 capacity building interventions planned and implemented and progress report to NYDA EXCO Norms and standards workshop presented to EXCO and the capacity building interventions planned and implemented
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) PROGRAMME AREA 2: EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) YTD ACHIEVEMENT (April – December) REASON FOR VARIANCE To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) Central Information Management System developed -Investigation on the available and the most appropriate information management system in the market conducted -IMS concept document with specifications produced and approved by the ED -Procured the IMS and negotiated licensing and other operational modalities through NYDA ICT ERP system. Investigation on the available and the most appropriate information management system in the market conducted IMS concept document with specifications produced and approved Procured the IMS and negotiated licensing and other operational modalities through NYDA ICT ERP system. Target Achieved Annual planning Framework developed and 2018/19 NYSP plans finalised Developed and finalised concept framework draft Presented concept framework draft for approval Consulted with stakeholders to consolidate departmental plans Framework developed and finalised NYSP Annual Planning Framework approved Consulted with stakeholders in the Free State and Cape Town to consolidate departmental plans
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) PROGRAMME AREA 2: EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) YTD ACHIEVEMENT (April – December) REASON FOR VARIANCE To engage young people in service activities geared towards fostering patriotism, social cohesion and nation building NYSP Communication and Marketing plan developed and implemented Developed concept for the Communication and Marketing Plan Presented concept for the Communication and Marketing plan for approval Implemented communication and marketing interventions Communication and Marketing Plan developed Communication and Marketing Plan approved Implemented communication and Marketing plan by: Procuring marketing material and delivering it to cater for: -Collins Chabane School and Civil Society Target Achieved Number of National Youth Service Programme projects registered 50 59 Target was overachieved due to more engagements with stakeholders and partners in sourcing and registering projects. Number of young people enrolled and participating in NYS category 1 250 664 Target was overachieved due to more training sessions of participants undertaken by the NYS team in registered projects. Number of young people enrolled and participating in NYSP category 2 and 3 expanded volunteer programme implemented 5000 5491 Target was overachieved due to various campaigns initiated and implemented by the NYS team and its partners
PROGRAMME AREA 3: RESEARCH AND POLICY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR YTD TARGET (April – December) YTD ACTUAL (April – December) REASON FOR VARIANCE To create and produce information and knowledge for better youth development planning and decision making Number of programme evaluations and stakeholder satisfaction surveys conducted 4 5 Target was overachieved due to additional evaluation on connectivity conducted To mobilise and leverage financial resources from key stakeholders Total value of funds sourced from the public and private sectors to support the youth development programme base R 90 million R 91 628 852.50 Target was overachieved due to willingness of partners to commit more funds to NYDA programmes To lobby key stakeholders to support and implement youth development programmes Number of public and private key stakeholders lobbied to implement youth development programmes 8 17 Target was overachieved due to more partners that showed interest in working with the NYDA during the June month campaign
Financial performance Quarter 3 2017 / 2018
Quarter three financial performance – Annual budget Key Programmatic Area Annual budget Q3 Actual Percentage Budget classification Economic Participation R 70,551,615 R 55,735,776 79% Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Education and skills development R 72,853,169 R 53,684,145 74% Quality basic education & decent employment through inclusive economic growth National Youth Service R 37,030,080 R 24,264,132 66% Nation building and social cohesion Service Delivery Channel R 21,654,216 R 14,562,397 67% An efficient, effective and development orientated public service Research and Policy R 5,421,600 R 2,357,965 43% Administration R 79,852,400 R 61,671,339 77% Employee costs R 159,500,000 R 119,510,888 75% CAPEX R 11,000,000 R 8,369,791 76% Total R 457,863,681 R 340,156,433
Quarter three financial performance – YTD budget Key Programmatic Area Q3 budget Q3 Actual Percentage Budget classification Economic Participation R 55,642,098 R 55,735,776 100% Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Education and skills development R 57,224,203 R 53,684,145 94% Quality basic education & decent employment through inclusive economic growth National Youth Service R 27,761,310 R 24,264,132 87% Nation building and social cohesion Service Delivery Channel R 16,240,662 R 14,562,397 90% An efficient, effective and development orientated public service Research and Policy R 4,066,200 R 2,357,965 58% Administration R 58,887,378 R 61,671,339 105% Employee costs R 119,125,000 R 119,510,888 CAPEX R 8,250,000 R 8,369,791 101% Total R 347,696,851 R 340,156,433 98%
Quarter three financial performance – budget chart
Grant programme – impact evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation The Agency on an annual basis conducts deep stick assessments of its youth development products and services in order to: Determine the overall impact of youth development products Collate data in terms of age, demographic, location (etc.) Measure verifiable impact on the individual and where applicable the business involved. Use recommendations to inform future planning through policy. Utilize analysis to inform Integrated Youth Development Strategy. Market the product to other stakeholder for purposes of lobbying and advocacy of youth development.
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Grant programme – Impact evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation
Grant programme – Impact Evaluation