MAKERERE UNIVERSITY’S BACKGROUND Makerere University is the largest and most prestigious Institution of higher learning in Uganda and East Africa, It was established in 1992 Makerere offers diploma, degree, post graduate and doctoral programs in various courses such as Engineering, Medicine, Arts , Sciences among others in all categories The University's’ main branch is located in Wandegeya, Kampala. Other University branches include Universities in Gulu, Mbarara, jinja among others
The Makerere University Anthem Chorus Makerere, Makerere, We build for the future, The Great Makerere Great, Great and Mighty, The walls around thee Great, Great and Mighty, The gates beside thee X4 (1) From East and West, From North and South All voices singing, Arise Makerere Rise up and rise, High up and high All voices singing Arise Makerere (2) Do not forget, Through all the years Those who have gone through the gates of Makerere Give them the pride, Give them the joy Oh! To remember, The gates of Makerere (3) Those who here be, Seek ye the truth Build for the future, The great Makerere Those here have been, Those here will be Build for the future, The Great Makerere
THE GOOD THINGS ABOUT MAKERERE UNIVERSITY Banks Library Swimming pool Places of worship Freedom square Green Fauna around campus Halls of residence University hospital New and improved infrastructure Sports grounds Sculptures
BANKS AROUND MAKERERE UNIVERSITY The University has banks that are strategically located which favors the students, with paying tuition and other various bank services. Some of them include Stanbic, Centenary, Post, DFCU among others
THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Makerere University library is one of the best library in Uganda and East Africa. The library has enough space where the students read and discuss from. The library is equipped with a wide variety of all kind of books. The library has cables connected to the internet that enable students access the Internet. The library keeps past records like Newspa- pers for future reference and reading.
THE SWIMMING POOL THE SWIMMING POOL Makerere University’s swimming pool is a place for relaxation by the students. This helps relieve them from stress It’s a good recreational place which is affor- dable for all students. Swimming refreshes the brain and body as it also helps keep students around campus as they wait for their next lectures. The university swimming pool is a place for relaxation by the students especially when they are stressed. It’s a good recreational place that is affordable for the students. Swimming keeps the students around the university as they keep around to wait for their next lectures Swimming helps refresh the mind and body which is good and healthy for students.
PLACES OF WORSHIP Freedom of worship is at Makerere University at various places of worship inside the university, whereby all different religions are allowed to practice their faith. Some of the religions include Born Again Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Anglicans, Seventh Day Adventist among others. The University allows fellowships of all religious denominations to take place at any time whereby students gather to pray and share information. And through these services conducted at places of worship, Students obtain counselling a this helps them stay morally upright within the University and outside. ST. Augustine chapel ST. Francis chapel Muslim mosque
THE FREEDOM SQUARE It is a large compound with beautiful trees and vegetation which is good for relaxation. Makerere’s annual graduation ceremonies of students take place at freedom square. Students do read and discuss from the freedom square. Campaigns for guild presidency take place at the freedom square as well as student associations also gather there for meetings. Students always freely express themselves freely at the freedom square especially when their rights are infringed on.
BAD THINGS ABOUT MAKERERE UNIVERSITY Insecurity Strikes Imbalanced number of halls of residence Poor garbage disposal Dirty toilets Poor administration at handling student issues Restriction of public transportation means Poor phone network
INSECURITY INSIDE MAKERERE UNIVERSITY The university has three main entrances which are the main gate, eastern gate and the western gate. Some of the security personnel rarely check in people that enter inside the university, which creates free entry for robbers into the campus. This high rate of insecurity in makerere has caused more harm to victims. The security personels at western and eastern gate only check people when there are terror threats in the country. There have been a number of attempted bomb attacks at the university. Some students and staff have fallen victims of robbery, which puts lives at risk
UN ENDING STRIKES Makerere university students and staff do strike almost at a semester basis, this interrupts the university syllabus which sometimes has led to closure of the university Strikes have causes injury and loss of lives, damage of property among others. These strikes occur due to reasons such a salary increment, fees increment, poor food among other reasons and if these are worked on instantly by the administration, it can help end strikes. Below are some videos of Makerere university students striking
IMBALANCED NUMBER OF HALLS OF RESIDENCE Makerere university has a number of student halls of residence that every student is allocated or attached to when they join the university in first year There are few halls of residence for females compared the males halls which looks like gender imbalance inside Makerere University. Boys do sleep two or one per room while girls some girls sleep four of six in one room which poses a health risk and strains available facilities like toilets and bathrooms. The boys’ halls include Nkrumah, Livingstone, Mitchel, Nsibirwa, Lumumba and University hall. The girls’ halls of residence include Africa, Complex and Mary stuart
POOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL Although the university has a number of rubbish pits, it still encounters a problem of poor garbage disposal whereby there is scattered rubbish allover the university. Some rubbish points are on the road, whereby wind blows off rubbish to the road and sometimes blocking trenches for water, this in the end breeds in mosquitoes, flees flies and harboring other insects especially near residences of both Staff and Students. Some rubbish pits are in wrong places for example near the Senate building, Mitchell hall among others. Garbage next to Livingstone hall and Support staff houses Garbage in front of centenary bank
TOILETS AT THE UNIVERSITY Most toilets at student faculties and halls of residence are in very bad condition. They have no water to flash them and wash hands afterwards. Some buildings have inadequate toilets and urinals such as . For example the senate has one toilet for both student genders which stinks a lot, The arts in Arts Faculty has toilets that are rarely cleaned. All these need to be monitored and worked upon because they cause diseases, which puts students and staff’s lives at risk. Mary Stuart hall toilets NSibirwa hall urinals
CONCLUSION Despite of the problems still hindering Makerere University, It still stands out as the the best university in Uganda Makerere university is a great institution In Africa and it should work hard to protect its image and reputation through embarking on introduction of strategies That benefit the students and the university as a whole as ‘’ WE BUILD FOR THE FUTURE’’